Technology Tips for Families and Students


    Service and Support

    Email Service Team

    Internet Access Hours
    Student devices have access to the internet from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday

    iPad:  Apps


    • Contact your teacher for support  



    • Students are assigned Apps based on grade level. Your child's Teacher defines which Apps are available for their class.
    • If Apps do not install / How to address App install failures/stall.
    • When Apps are pushed to iPads, they occasionally stall (the icons remain dark and faded), and the process of downloading and installing the Apps never completes.  If this happens, the process can be  restarted by following the steps outlined below:
      • Delete the greyed out app from the iPad
      • Press and hold on the icon and choose "Delete App" or "Cancel download"
      • Open the Self Service app on the iPad
      • Click install on the app in Self Service
    • If the Self Service app is missing from the iPad, it will install automatically on the next triggered check-in. Check-ins are triggered every 24 hours, or support can force a check-in. 
    • Video for updating iPad and Installing Apps (Update GG)


    Student Responsible Use Policy

    Students and parents/guardians are responsible for understanding and signing the Student RUP prior to being issued an iPad or using District systems. 

    Zoom Classroom information 

    Screencasts for accessing Zoom at home


    Google Classroom Information

    Teachers may have added your child already.  If you are unsure, please email your child's teacher.

    Join your child's Google Classroom on your child's iPad in the Google Classroom app.

    • Locate the Google Classroom app. In the search bar, you can simply type, CLASSROOM. 
    • Click on the plus button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
    • Select JOIN Class.
    • Enter the classroom code that was provided by your teacher. If you need this code, please email your child's teacher.

    Join your child's Google Classroom from a web-browser

    • Open a Web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and go to You have to sign in with your child’s SBSD Google account.
    • On the Welcome screen, click the plus sign at the top and choose JOIN class.
    • In the Join a Class dialogue box, enter the Class Code 
    • Select Join.

     Seesaw Information

    • What is Seesaw?
    • Take a look inside the Seesaw Family App
    • Seesaw App - Getting Started for Families

      Common Seesaw Questions
      • Can students access activities in the Family app?
        No. Students can access activities in the Class app by signing in with their Home Learning Code. The Family app is for parents to view their children's work and posts shared by teachers.
      • If my child logs into the Class app, then on the same device a family member logs into the Family app to message the teacher, does my child need to log out of the Class app?
        No, students can stay logged in. The Class app and the Family app are separate applications.
      • I’m a family member. Can my child and I use the same account to log into the Class app and Family app?
        No. You and your child need unique account. If you try to use the same account for a student account and a family account, you will receive an error message.