Using an interdisciplinary approach, our mission is to improve student performance by implementing a strong network of services and support for students and families in the Solana Beach School District.
We oversee and support a wide range of educational programs and partnerships, including:- Annual Parent/Guardian Notification
- Attendance
- California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
- Care Solace (Mental Health Resource)
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Discipline (districtwide): including suspension and expulsion process
- Health Services
- Home Hospital Instruction
- Homeless/Foster Youth Students (McKinney Vento)
- Interdistrict/Intradistrict Attendance
- Residency Verification
- Safety/Disaster Preparedness
- School Attendance Review Board (SARB) and related attendance issues
- School Transfer Requests
- Social-Emotional Wellness
- Student Enrollment
- Student Records (for students no longer enrolled in SBSD)
- Suicide Prevention
- Title IX
Contact Information
Phone: (858) 794-7187