Registration/New Student Information

  • Registration for new students for the current school year is available year-round at Aeries Internet Registration (AIR). Pre-enrollment will be available for the 2025-2026 school year beginning February 1, 2025. Please visit My School Locator for attendance boundaries.

    As of February 1, 2025 all required documents (listed below) will be uploaded during the registration process using  Aeries Internet Registration (AIR). If you have any issues, please contact your school office. 

    • For Kindergarten/First Grade Only:
         These forms are also available within Aeries Online Enrollment and the Parent Portal
         Data Confirmation Area
      • Oral Health Assessment Form
      • Effective July 1, 2024, the Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program was discontinued. It is no longer required for school-aged children to have a physical exam before enrolling. Therefore, the Report of Health Examination for School Entry (PM 171 A) and the Waiver of Health Examination for School Entry (PM 171B) are no longer required forms. Families are still encouraged to maintain annual wellness exams. All required immunizations are still mandated for school enrollment.

        Step by Step Instructions for Aeries Internet Registration.

        Please provide the following documents:
        1. Verification of Age:
              One (1) of the following:
        • Certified copy of a birth record
        • Statement by a local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth
        • Baptismal Certificate
        • Passport
        • If none of the above is obtainable, an affidavit from the parent, guardian, custodian, or any other appropriate means of proving the child’s age is acceptable.

        2. Proof of Residency: Evidence of residency may be established by documentation showing the name and address of the parent/guardian within the district, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (Education Code 48204.1)

               One (1) of the following:
        • Production of a grant deed to residence property, or property tax payment receipts indicating the name of the student's parent/guardian as owner of the property.
        • Production of a current, valid lease agreement. All lease agreements must contain the management company or real estate agency name and telephone number. The district may contact the management company to verify residency and to require the management company or real estate agency to provide evidence of ownership of the property. In this event, the rental property will sign a Declaration under Penalty of Perjury indicating ownership of the property and validity of the lease.
        • Production of a current, valid private party lease agreement. All private party lease agreements require: a Declaration under Penalty of Perjury indicating ownership of the property and validity of the lease and a Parent Verification Statement.


          One (1) of the following (containing the name and address of the student's parent/guardian):
        • Gas/Electric
        • Cable
        • Water


          3. Required Health Forms:

          •  Immunization Record listing all up-to-date vaccinations
    NOTE: Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before September 1st of the current school year. State law and Board Policy 5111 require a child to be 5 years old on or before September 1 to enroll in Kindergarten. Early entrance to kindergarten is not permitted. The District makes no exceptions to this age cutoff.

    La inscripción para nuevos estudiantes para el año escolar actual está disponible durante todo el año en Aeries Internet Registration (AIR). La preinscripción ya está disponible para el año escolar 2025-2026. Visite My School Locator para conocer los límites de asistencia.

    A partir del 1 de febrero de 2025, todos los documentos requeridos (enumerados a continuación) se cargarán durante el proceso de registro utilizando  Aeries Internet Registration (AIR). Si tiene algún problema, comuníquese con la oficina de su escuela.

    Se deben presentar los siguientes documentos originales:
    1.    Comprobante de edad:
          Uno (1) de los siguientes:

    •    Acta  de nacimiento
    •    Certificado de bautizo
    •    Pasaporte
     2.   Comprobante de domicilio:
               Uno (1) de los siguientes:

    •    Las escrituras de la casa o la declaración del impuesto predial
    •    Un contrato de renta/arrendamiento vigente y válido emitido por una compañía de gestión inmobiliaria o agencia de bienes raíces (para los CONTRATOS DE ARRENDAMIENTO ENTRE PARTICULARES, el dueño de la propiedad debe presentar una declaración jurada notariada. Los formularios están disponibles en la oficina de la escuela).
    Uno (1) de los siguientes:
    Una factura original actual de algún servicio público que indique el nombre y domicilio de los padres/tutores del alumno)
    •    Gas/Luz
    •    Cable
    •    Agua
    3.  Requisito y formularios de salud:
    Solamente para alumnos que van a ingresar a kindergarten/1º grado:
    Los siguientes formularios están disponibles en el portal AIR y en el Portal de Padres•    La cartilla de vacunación con todas la vacunas al corrient
    4. La hoja de confirmación firmada de la inscripción en línea (se debe descargar e imprimir en el portal AIR)

    NOTA: Los niños que van a ingresar a kindergarten deben tener los 5 años cumplidos al 1.º de septiembre o antes de esa fecha del presente año escolar.