Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project Announcements

Schedule, Process and Updates

  • Next Phase of Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project Underway - June 29, 2022

    Work on the next phase of the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project began as soon as school was dismissed for the summer break.

    The school’s approximately 26,000-square-foot main building (Building A), will retainConstruction crews work on the new entry. its existing footprint and be reconfigured to allow for expansion and upgrades to the kitchen, administrative office, and staff workroom and lounge areas.

    When complete, Building A will feature a new entry and reception area. Improvements to the kitchen will increase operational efficiency while the outdoor dining area will be upgraded as well with an additional lunch shelter.

    Changes to the south side of the campus bordering San Dieguito Road will provide more room for pick up and drop off, and improve traffic flow. On the west side of the building, the school’s modular classrooms have been removed to make way for an expanded Kindergarten playground featuring new play structures and security fencing that will also dampen site noise. 

    Additionally, work crews are laying the groundwork for a two-story buildingA worker prepares the site for building. with eight classrooms (Building B) that will start going up later this year. It’s expected to be complete after winter break.

    Each classroom in Building C will be fitted with an upgraded fire alarm system.

    Work completed at the site includes a new retaining wall on the north side of the campus and a parking lot that increases parking capacity.

    Solana Santa Fe School was built in 1993, sits on five acres at the corner of El Apajo and San Dieguito Road in the community of Rancho Santa Fe, and currently serves about 300 students in Kindergarten through sixth grade. Modernizing the campus is part of SBSD’s Long-Range Facilities Master Plan.

    The project has a budget of about $26 million that is funded by Measure JJ,Kindergarten playground gets updated. the $105 million general obligation bond approved by voters in 2016, as well as Community Facilities District (CFD) monies. 

    The reimagined Building A is scheduled to be open for the first day of the 2022-23 school year. The project is anticipated to close out in April 2023.




    Proposed Schedule

    Design Phase: May 2019 - Fall/Winter 2020
    Staff, Design Team, Community Engagement: May 2019 - 2020
    Select Preconstruction/Lease Lease Back Builder: May 2020
    Measure JJ Bond Issuance: April/May 2020
    Construction: Spring 2021 - Spring 2023

    Solana Santa Fe Modernization Update - September 8, 2022

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on September 8, 2022. The presentation is regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

    Solana Santa Fe Modernization Update - November 18, 2021

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on November 18, 2021. The presentation is regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

    Solana Santa Fe Modernization Update - December 2, 2020

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided at the Virtual Community Engagement meeting held on December 2, 2020 at 6 pm. The presentation provides updates regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

    School Board Presentation - August 2020

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on August 13, 2020. The presentation is regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

    Solana Santa Fe Modernization Update - June 25, 2020

    The following update has been provided to Solana Santa Fe families by Principal Matthew Frumovitz regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

     Solana Santa Fe Modernization Update - May 18, 2020

    In light of the recent school closures, the District is continuing to move forward in the Modernization of Solana Santa Fe School. A site plan, including a new two-story, eight-classroom building, is being further developed. A full-service architectural service agreement was approved in April 2020 and the building for the project is on the agenda for the June 2020 meeting of the School Board. The project is tracking on schedule with agency approvals scheduled to begin Fall/Winter 2020 and, once approved, a first phase of construction could begin Summer 2021.

    Design Team and Community Meetings held in early May 2020:

    Materials Shared - The attached materials were provided at the Design Team and Community Engagement meetings scheduled for May 12, 2020, and May 13, 2020, via District hosted webinar.

    Construction projects are continuing during school closures. District staff will continue to provide updates on the Modernization planning throughout the summer and into Fall 2020. The Solana Santa Fe Modernization project is scheduled to be discussed at the regularly scheduled meeting of the School Board June 25, 2020.

    School Board Presentation - February 2020

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on February 13, 2020. The presentation is regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

    School Board Presentation - November 2019

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on November 14, 2019. The presentation is regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project.

    School Board Presentation - September 2019

    Presentation - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on September 12, 2019. The presentation is regarding the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project. The District and architect are continuing to further develop the school design.

    Presentation- The attached presentation was provided at the Community Engagement meeting scheduled for September 24, 2019 at 6pm at the Solana Santa Fe School Fine Arts Building (FAB).

    Meetings 2019-20

    Virtual Meeting Regarding the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project - October 2020 

    District staff, along with the project Architect, will provide an update regarding the Modernization Project on October 15, 2020 at 3:00 pm. 

    Image - The attached landscape drawings were provided at the Virtual Community Meeting on October 15, 2020.
    Image - The attached building elevations was provided at the Virtual Community Meeting on October 15, 2020.
    Image - The attached retaining walls drawings were provided at the Virtual Community Meeting on October 15, 2020. 

    Virtual Meeting Regarding the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project - June 2020 

    District staff, along with the project Architect, will provide an update regarding the Modernization Project on June 11, 2020 at 5:00 pm. 

    Materials - The attached materials were provided at the Virtual Community Meeting scheduled on June 11, 2020.

    Virtual Community Meeting Regarding the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project - June 2020 

    District staff, along with the project Architect, will provide an update to the Community regarding the project and will post an update following the meeting scheduled for June 11, 2020.

    The meeting will be hosted via telephonic/video conference. 

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    Update on Modernization Planning continuing for the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project - April 2020

    At the regularly scheduled Board meeting on April 16, 2020, a full service contract for Lionakis (Architectural Services) for the Solana Santa Fe Modernization Project was approved. Pre-design services setting the scope of the project has concluded. Continued stakeholder engagement activities are proceeding via online platforms during school closures. The team can now move forward to further develop the drawings and specifications.

    Proposals have been received and reviewed regarding the builder selection for the SSF Modernization Project. Interviews were held on April 13, 2020, and a recommendation for a builder from the pre-qualified pool of builders agendized for the regularly scheduled Board meeting on May 21, 2020. Once a contract is approved, the contractor can begin with pre-construction services and refining the budget.

    On April 16, 2020, Steven Kendrick and Caroline Brown met with two members of the Fairbanks HOA, neighbors directly around Solana Santa Fe School, to gather input and do a driving tour (“convoy style” to maintain the social distancing requirement under the current closure orders) of the architecture in the areas of Rancho Santa Fe and Fairbanks. 

    Community Engagement Meeting Regarding the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project - September 2019

    District staff, along with the project Architect, will provide an update to the Community regarding the project and will post an update following the meeting scheduled for September 24, 2019.

    Design Team Meeting Regarding the Solana Santa Fe School Modernization Project - August 2019

    Solana Santa Fe Design Team Meeting - August 20, 2019

    Proposed Project Description:

    Solana Santa Fe is a Solana Beach School District elementary school located in Rancho Santa Fe in an unincorporated area of northern San Diego County. The original building (approximately 26,000 square feet, 10 permanent classrooms, administrative area, media center, staff workroom, staff lounge, small group instruction areas, Fine Arts Building, student dining and play areas) was constructed in 1993 serving students grades K-6. An additional 8 relocatable classrooms were added in 1994 and an 8-classroom permanent building was added in 1997 to accommodate the Class Size Reduction program. Currently, a K-6 grade school, Solana Santa Fe services approximately 300 students.

    Solana Santa Fe will receive students from a growth area in the district named Pacific Highlands Ranch. Enrollment projections for Solana Santa Fe could reach 460 students for a period of time while the development becomes establilshed. The scope of the project includes the replacement of eight end-of-life relocatable classrooms with an eight classroom two-story buidling.

    Solana Santa Fe is on a district owned site on the corner of El Apajo and San Dieguito Road where traffic, parking, ingress, and egress will be a focus for the modernization project.

    Every effort will be made to modernize an environmentally friendly school with sustainability in mind.

    SSF Aerial Image

    Photo Above: Aerial View of Solana Santa Fe