School Design Process

  • Solana Beach School District School Design Process

    Solana Beach School District prides itself in its collaborative approach to developing educational facilities to provide suitable, resource-rich learning environments for students. With these statements, the Solana Beach School District affirms the commitment to create and maintain:

    • A student-centered, equitable environment that fosters learning, achievement, and inspires creativity for all children
    • A strong focus of the diverse academic, social-emotional needs and learning styles of all children
    • A safe environment with opportunities for enhanced student health, including appropriate areas for a variety of physical activities and increased availability of nutritionally sound, freshly prepared, school meals
    • Facilities that are safe for children, staff, and visitors during school hours, while welcoming to families & community members beyond the school day
    • Well-designed practices and facilities that shape, encourage, and foster environmental stewardship, responsibility, and sustainability
    • Emphasis on building awareness of, and responsibility for, global citizenship
    • Adaptable learning facilities built on research-based best practice that are flexible and able to support future learning needs and demands for college and career readiness in an ever-changing global community
    • Environment, culture, and facilities that are mutually supportive and meet the needs of that diverse constituency of school and community

    Design teams are made up of school community partners, including but not limited to, staff (certificated and classified), administrators, city representatives, special education, specialty programs (STREAM, CRT, etc.), school board members, community members, and consultants. The team works together, guided by the Facilities Master Plan, to address current educational standards.