Donations to the Technology Department

  • The school district may accept any bequest or gift of either money or property on behalf of the District. While greatly appreciating suitable donations, the Board discourages any gifts that may directly or indirectly impair its commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all district students.

    Equipment Donations
    Technology Department staff can accept donations that are in full working order and fit within the educational program. To ensure compatibility, the district will accept Apple product donations that are less than four years old. For consideration of other donation(s), please call the Technology Department at (858) 794-7140.

    Donation Process
    Submit a completed form accurately describing the equipment (brand and model, operating system, version numbers, etc.) prior to delivering the proposed donation.

    Download, print, and complete the donation form (pdf, 60 kb) and return it to the school office or the Technology Department. The donor will be notified if the donation is accepted.

    Following approval, donation delivery arrangements can be made. The district will honor the donor’s request for placement of the equipment for the first year, providing no additional costs are incurred. After the first year, staff may move the donated equipment in conjunction with the Board directive to provide equal educational opportunities.

    A tax donation letter will be generated 14-30 days after the donation has been accepted and received. The donor assigns a monetary value to the donation.

    For Non-equipment Donations (e.g. books)
    Please complete the donation form (pdf, 60 kb) and contact the Media Center teacher at the school site or the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services at (858) 794-7135.