• We believe...

    • in public education.
    • everyone can learn and achieve.
    • each individual has intrinsic worth.
    • respect, honesty, self-discipline, and a sense of fair play
      are essential to the development of personal integrity.
    • in personal responsibility and accountability.
    • in striving to do one's best.
    • in the value of a supportive, nurturing family.
    • in the power of positive thinking.
    • in valuing and utilizing diversity, we can achieve common goals.
    • effective communication is essential.
    • a sense of humor contributes to a healthy, balanced way of life.
    • it is the responsibility of every individual to contribute to the
      betterment of a global society.
    • in the benefit of individual pursuits and the value of collaborative
    • successful change requires vision, personal action and a willingness
      to take risks.
    • no failure is fatal . . . no success is final.
    • learning is an essential life-long process.