
  • Information Meeting - December 2019
    - The attached presentation was provided to the Santa Barbara Development, Pacific Highlands Ranch community on December 4, 2019. The presentation is regarding student attendance assignments for the residents of the Santa Barbara Development.

    School Board Presentation Special Board Meeting - October 2019
     - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at a special Board meeting on October 10, 2019. The presentation is regarding long-term housing, temporary transportation options, and students attending Solana Ranch in the future.

    School Board Presentation - October 2019
    - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on October 10, 2019. The presentation is regarding long-term student housing, school number 8, expanding Solana Ranch, utilizing existing facilities, and temporary transportation options.

    School Board Presentation Special Board Meeting - September 2019
    - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at a special Board meeting on September 26, 2019. The presentation is regarding the enrollment districtwide, school capacities, school number 8, expand Solana Ranch, utilized existing schools, and exploring temporary transportation. The presentation was also presented at the PHR Community during the Small Group Meetings offered at Solana Ranch on September 26, October 1, and October 7.

    School Board Presentation - September 2019
     - The attached presentation was provided to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on September 12, 2019. The presentation is regarding 2019-20 student enrollment projections across the District, specifically Pacific Highlands Ranch.