Payroll Forms and Information

  • Complete a direct deposit authorization form to request that your paycheck be directly deposited into your bank account. You can choose to have the net amount of your paycheck go into a single account or multiple accounts. Please note that it takes one payroll cycle to set up your direct deposit. For example, forms completed before the September payroll deadline will be direct deposited starting with the October pay cycle. 

    Link to view your pay stub on the San Diego County Office of Education website.

    The 2025 IRS W-4 form is used to indicate the number of exemptions you claim for the purpose of calculating your withholding for federal taxes. If you are claiming a different amount for state taxes you must use the State Withholding Form DE-4.

    The Solana Beach School District uses the San Diego County Office of Education's Fringe Benefit Consortium (FBC) for its Tax Sheltered Annuity administration. Our employees may invest in 403(b), 457(b) or Roth 403(b). The FBC may be reached at (858) 292-3816.