
    Entrance to the SSF Garden


    Solana Santa Fe’s Coyote garden is a wonderful place for children to learn first-hand about nature, weather, and how plants grow. With raised beds assigned to each grade, children have the opportunity to plant grade-level garden projects that tie in with the California state-mandated curriculum. Our Master Gardener oversees the garden and coordinates the projects with teachers and parent volunteers.
    Garden Mosaic with succulents
    In addition to the class projects, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday children can come in at lunchtime and enjoy their choice of activities. Some of the fun activities and crafts include planting flowers, releasing ladybugs, painting decorative stones, drawing pictures, or helping to water. We also have a Dad’s Day for dads and kids to share in garden activities, and a Grandparents Day too.
    Grade Level Garden Beds
    We could not have a successful garden without the help of our volunteers, and we appreciate all the time, effort and supplies that are provided!