• Welcome to Kindergarten at SSF
    Ms. McFadden, Mrs. Gordon
     It will be an exciting year making new friends and developing social and academic skills.  The kindergarten children will be participating in exciting events throughout the year and creating fun memories that will last a lifetime!
    clipart of a notebook
    clipart picture of a red apple
    Kindergarten Suggested Supply List 2023-2024

    Thank you for sending the following items in a large bag with your child's name on it.  Since many items are for whole class use, each item should not be labeled with your child's name. We will be beginning to collect donations at our Meet the Teacher event.

     GENERAL CLASSROOM SUPPLIES:  (each child supplies) 

    * Standard-sized backpack-  Since backpacks are kept on a rack, oversized and wheeled packs are very difficult for children to manage on their own and should be avoided.  We expect students to be able to lift their own backpack

    *Refillable water bottle to keep in their cubby

    * One standard sized pencil box (8" L x 2"D)  plastic preferred

     * One black Sharpie 

    * One 8-16 pack of large Crayola crayons (not standard size and not jumbo)

     * One pack of thick Crayola colored markers (unscented)  

     * One pack of thin Crayola colored markers  (unscented)

     * 1 package of colored pencils 

     * Two thin black white board markers (Expo brand)

    * Own set of headphones for iPad with plug-in cord 

     *1 two-pocket folder (any design)

     * One 1" Clear-View White 3 Ring Binder 

     * One pack of 25 Plastic Page Protectors (Medium/heavy weight, please)

     *A change of clothes to be left at school:  Please prepare these items in a Zip-loc baggie with child's name: one pair of shorts/pants, underwear and socks)

    Teacher Wishlist: 

    * White or colored Cardstock 

    *Zip Lock bags- various sizes

    *2 packs of plain white medium sized paper gift bags with handles (found at Michaels) 


    *Baby wipes or sanitizing wipes

    "Your child is provided a free public school education, therefore all materials and supplies for your child's learning in the classroom are supplied by the school district.  We understand that parents often want to supplement these materials and can choose so from the list above."