

    Our School Community is committed to making our school a safe and caring environment for all students. We will treat each other with respect and refuse to tolerate bullying of any kind.

    Definition: Bullying is unfair and one-sided. Bullying behavior happens when someone keeps hurting, harassing, intimidating, threatening, or causing substantial emotional distress to a person. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication media (cell phones, text messages, instant messaging, social networks, etc.) to bully another student in the ways described above. Bullying and cyberbullying interfere with a student’s educational opportunities and can substantially disrupt the orderly operations of the school.

    • Hurting someone physically by hitting, kicking, tripping, or pushing
    • Stealing or damaging another person’s things
    • Ganging up on someone
    • Teasing someone in a hurtful way
    • Using put-downs (i.e., insulting or making fun of someone)
    • Name calling
    • Spreading rumors or untruths about someone
    • Leaving someone out on purpose, or trying to get other kids not to play with someone
    • Using any electronic communication device (texting, cell phones, social networks, etc.) to insult, threaten, or post untrue information or embarrassing photos about another student

    Students at Our School will do the following things to prevent bullying:

    • Treat everyone with respect and kindness
    • Refuse to bully others
    • Refuse to let others be bullied
    • Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied
    • Try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out
    • Report bullying behavior to an adult

    Teachers and staff at Our School will do the following things to prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school:

    • Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and playground
    • Watch for signs of bullying behavior and stop it when it happens
    • Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports using the Four-A-Response Process (Affirm Feelings, Ask Questions, Assess Safety, and Act by coaching the child on what to do in the future)
    • Look into all reported bullying incidents
    • Assign consequences for bullying based on the school discipline code
    • Assign immediate consequences for retaliation against students who report bullying

    Consequences for Violation of the Anti-Bullying Policy

    Bullying behavior, including cyberbullying, will not be tolerated. If cyberbullying occurs outside of school hours, but the repercussions are brought to school and disrupt the school and/or interfere with a student's emotional/social well being, consequences will be given. Depending on the severity and nature of the incident, the principal or designee will take one or more of the following steps when bullying occurs: 

    Intervention, Warning, and Redirection:  A teacher, principal, or staff member will ensure that the immediate behavior stops and reinforce to the student who is doing the bullying that bullying will not be tolerated. During this meeting with the student, the staff member will redirect the student and come up with a plan for success should they find themselves in a similar situation in the future.

    Notification of Parents:  School staff will notify the parents of involved students. The parents might be asked to meet with the principal or other members of the school staff, including the student’s teacher and/or the school guidance counselor.

    Resolution with the Target of the Bullying:  The student who is bullying may be required to write a letter of apology to the student who was bullied. Depending upon the nature of the incident, the students involved may meet to help resolve the problem and ensure it does not happen again.

    Referral to School Support Staff:  The student who is bullying may meet with the school psychologist or guidance counselor to help prevent future violations.

    Consequences:  The student who is bullying may be assigned detention and/or lose school privileges (i.e., serving on the student council, school newspaper, school performances, yearbook, etc). In cases of serious or repeated bullying, the student may be subject to suspension and/or expulsion. If serious circumstances warrant, law enforcement may also be contacted.


    Student assessment is a vital part of the educational process. Teachers and specialists use a variety of methods to regularly assess student progress on an ongoing basis. In addition, the following testing procedures are use district-wide:

    CAASPP:  California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress is administered in the spring to all students in grades 3-6. These tests measure how well students are achieving California standards for all subject tests - English/Language Arts and mathematics are tested in grades 2-6 and fifth grade students are also tested in Science.  Individual student achievement results are mailed home to parents.

    MAP:  The MAP test (Measures of Academic Progress) is a computer program that measures and reports student growth in Reading and Math over months and years. A MAP assessment is administered three times each year and informs the instructional decisions of teachers.

    OTIS LENNON:  The Otis Lennon test is a scholastic aptitude test that is administered to all third graders.


    Regular Attendance is important for students to be successful learners. When a student is absent, they miss out on the sequence of instruction and must spend extra time catching up with their classmates upon returning to school. In addition, Ed. Code 48200 requires all children ages 6 to 18 to be enrolled in a full-time education program. Absences are monitored closely. Please call the absence hotline, (858) 794-4451 (available 24 hours a day) when your child will be absent.

    Checking In and Out: Students must be checked in and out through the school office when coming in late or leaving early. Students may ONLY be released to those persons designated on their emergency cards. We are unable to make any exceptions. Parents must insure they have listed the names of any individual who may pick up their child on the student's emergency card.

    Tardies for students grade K through 6: Students are required to attend school and classes on time each day. Punctuality is a measure of responsibility and the Governing Board of Solana Beach School District deems it important that all students learn the value of being punctual.

    Students tardy to school must sign in at the school office before going to their class. Students are considered to be tardy if they are not in their seat prepared to work when the bell rings for school to begin.

    Justification for tardiness is very limited. Tardies will be excused only for health reasons, family emergencies and justifiable personal reasons, as permitted by law, Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113, and Education Code 48205. Class participation is an integral part of students’ learning experiences. Parents/guardians and students are strongly encouraged to schedule medical appointments during non-school hours.

    Tardies will accumulate during the school year. For each tardy that occurs within a school year, the following consequence(s) will apply.

    1-3rd Tardy — Teacher Conference with student
    5th Tardy — Principal Conference with student and telephone call to parent
    6th Tardy — First Truancy letter and Soft Truancy Booklet sent home
    8th Tardy — Second Truancy letter Parent Conference Scheduled
    10th Tardy — Referral to school Attendance Review Team (SARB) through the San Diego County Office of Education

    School Attendance Review Board (SARB): Attendance and tardies are monitored closely throughout the school year. Truancy letters are sent out to students each time they receive three unexcused absences or three tardies. After nine unexcused absences or nine tardies, a referral may be made to the county Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). SARB is composed of educators and county officials who will review the student's attendance history, interview the parents and student, and make various recommendations to which the parents and student must adhere. If these recommendations are not followed and the student continues to accrue unexcused absences and tardies, SARB can turn the case over to the district attorney's office for legal action. Students may also be referred to SARB for chronic discipline problems.

    Prompt Afterschool Pickup: Staff supervision ends at 3:00 pm. Students not picked up by 3:00 pm will be directed to a classroom for supervision. Students will sign their name on a clipboard when they arrive and parents will be required to sign the children out when they are picked up . Repetitive late pick-ups will be reported to the principal. A letter may be sent home reminding you that prompt pick-up is important to ensure your child's safety.

    Medical Appointments: We urge parents to schedule medical and dental appointments so they do not conflict with class time. If a student needs to be checked out of class, parents must come to the office to sign them out (and back in when they return). We will call the classroom to have your child come to the office.


    Back to School Night is scheduled during the first 2 weeks of school and parents are encouraged to attend this special event. The purpose of the evening is to give teachers an opportunity to share with parents the curriculum, class expectations, and learning opportunities available for each child. This night is for parents only, so parents will need to make child care arrangements. Discussion is intended to be general. Conferences for individual concerns should be scheduled for a later time.

    Open House is scheduled in the spring. This is an opportunity for students to share with their parents some of the projects and other classroom activities they have worked on throughout the year.


    Students are not permitted to be on campus before 8:10 a.m. unless they are enrolled in a before school intervention or enrichment class.  After 8:10 a.m. students are to go to the black top area of the playground until the bell rings at 8:30 a.m.  Kindergarten students stay on the Kindergarten Playground.


    Students may ride bicycles/skateboards to school if they abide by the following safety rules:

    • Riders must be in grades 3 - 6.
    • All riders must wear a helmet.
    • Bicycles/skateboards are to be walked on school premises. Riding skateboards and scooters on campus is strictly prohibited (both during and after school hours).
    • Sidewalks must be used in the parking lot areas - no riding in the parking lot.
    • Bicycles/skateboards must be parked in bike racks and locked.
    • Only one person per bike/skateboard.
    • Bicycle/skateboard riders must obey the same rules that apply to cars when using the street.


      SBSD Board Policy 5131 

      Mobile communication devices shall be turned off during instructional time. Smartwatches may be worn and shall be turned off or placed in “school mode” such as “Airplane” or “Do Not Disturb” during the instructional day. 

      A student shall not be prohibited from possessing or using a mobile communication device or smartwatch under any of the following circumstances: (Education Code 48901.5, 48901.7) 

      • In the case of an emergency, or in response to perceived threat of danger
      • When a teacher or administrator grants permission to the student to possess or use a mobile communication device, subject to any reasonable limitation imposed by that teacher or administrator
      • When a licensed physician or surgeon determines that the possession or use is necessary for the studnet's health and well-being
      • When the possession or use is required by the student's individualized education program or Section 504 plan

           Smartphones, smartwatches, and other mobile communication devices shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person. 

      When used in an unauthorized manner, the device may be confiscated and/or searched according to law and policy, and the student may be subject to discipline. A student may also be subject to discipline for use of a mobile communication device off school grounds if it poses a threat or danger to the safety of students, staff, or district property or substantially disrupts school activities. 

      The District is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of a student’s mobile communication device which is brought onto school grounds or to a school activity. 

      If students need to call a parent during school hours, they may ask to use a school phone. The school phone should not be used to schedule after-school play dates as these types of arrangements should be scheduled outside of the school day.

      Any personal portable devices (e.g. cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc.), except for assistive technology to support medical conditions, may not be used during school hours. They should be turned off and remain in the student’s backpack. If students need to call a parent during school hours, they may ask to use a school phone. The school phone should not be used to schedule after-school play dates as these types of arrangements should be scheduled outside of the school day.


      If you have a change of address or phone number, please let the office know so that they can maintain accurate, up-to-date information. If you are moving out of the area, notify the office and we will issue a transfer slip to present to your new school. If reasonable amount of notice is given, a curriculum form will be given to teachers to complete to assist the next teacher.


      When we assign students to classes for the next school year, we endeavor to meet the needs of the individual child and develop classes whose balance and dynamics contribute to a positive learning environment. To achieve well-balanced classes, we consider academic ability; to help maintain positive class dynamics, we consider which pupils should and should not be placed together. "Sending" and "Receiving" teachers will consider the benefits of possible assignments to each student, as well as the contributions each student and various groupings of students can bring to the dynamics and balance of each class.


      The Solana Beach Board of Trustees has established a "closed campus" at Solana Santa Fe in the interest of student safety and supervision. Once students arrive on the school grounds, they must remain on campus until the end of the school day. Students who need to leave school before the end of the day need to be checked out in the school office.

      For the safety of the students at Solana Santa Fe, we ask that ALL parents sign in at the office when on campus for volunteering purposes.


      Teachers will inform parents on Back-to-School Night how they would like to communicate between home and school.

      Solana Santa Fe is making every effort to reduce the volume of paper usage by providing the Weekly Communication documents electronically every Wednesday. You can find the flyers and other weekly information in the Weekly Communication link of this website.

      To receive a reminder and other school communication via email, please take a moment to sign up for the school listserv at: After subscribing, you will receive a confirming email, please follow the confirmation process. Thank you for helping us to use technology to enhance communication and contributing to our commitment to environmental awareness.

      For your convenience, we have provided a message line (858) 794-4751 to report absences and leave messages for teachers. The messages are picked up every school day between 9:00 and 10:30 am. PLEASE CALL EACH DAY YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT.

      Student Messages: Parents are requested to call students only in emergencies. Items and messages brought to school for students during school hours are to be brought to the office. Messages will then be delivered to the classroom as soon as possible. Please do not deliver them to the classroom, as this interferes with the continuity of the learning process.


      Students have access to computers in their classroom, the media center, and the computer lab. Before students use the computer, student and parent must sign a contract. The contract states: Improper use of the computer will result in the cancellation of the student's access privileges and revocation of permission to use the computer, as well as disciplinary action by school officials. The contract also gives or takes away the right for the student to log on to the Internet.


      The goal of our plan is to maintain a positive environment where students and staff enjoy school and everyone is treated with respect. Our expectations for student behavior are based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Cover, because we strive to inspire greatness in all of our students.

      Habit 1 - Be Proactive - You're in Charge - I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.

      Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind - Have a Plan - I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school's mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen.

      Habit 3 - Put First Things First - Work First, Then Play - I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.

      Habit 4 - Think Win-Win - Everyone Can Win - I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others' Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.

      Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood - Listen Before You Talk - I listen to other people's ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.

      Habit 6 - Synergize - Together is Better - I value other people's strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people's ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.

      Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw - Balance Feels Best - I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.

      Individual students will recognized at monthly assemblies for working hard to improve themselves and for demonstrating any or all of these seven habits.

      We want our students to:
      Be Safe
      Be Respectful

      Be Responsible

      The school-wide behavior expectations as well as classroom behavior expectations will be shared with students during the first week of school and reviewed throughout the year.


      Service dogs are permitted, but otherwise we do not allow dogs on campus.


      BP 5132 Dress & Grooming

      The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to wear clothing that is suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students' clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or cause a substantial disruption to the educational program.

      District and school rules pertaining to student attire shall be included in student handbooks, may be posted in school offices and classrooms, and may periodically be reviewed with all students as necessary.

      Students shall not be prohibited from dressing in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression or with their religious or cultural observances.

      In addition, the dress code shall not discriminate against students based on hair texture and protective hairstyles, including, but not limited to, braids, locks, and twists. (Education Code 212.1)

      The responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s). The principal or designee is authorized to enforce this policy and shall inform parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding a student who does not reasonably conform to the dress code. The dress code shall not be enforced in a manner that discriminates against a particular viewpoint or results in a disproportionate application of the dress code based on students’ gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, household income, or body type or size. When practical, students shall not be directed to correct a dress code violation during instructional time or in front of other students.

      School administrators, teachers, and other staff shall be notified of appropriate and equitable enforcement of the dress code.

      Repeated violations or refusal to comply with the District’s dress code may result in disciplinary action.

      (cf. 4119.22 - Dress and Grooming)

      (cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression)


      AR 5132

      In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming which are consistent with law, Governing Board policy and administrative regulations. These school dress codes shall be regularly reviewed.

      (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils)

      The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:

      1. Clothing, jewelry, and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane, or sexually suggestive, or which promotes the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco or other illegal activity.

      2. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Sport or tennis shoes are most appropriate for running and playing during recess and PE. All shoes must have closed toes and a back strap.

      3. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments. See-through clothing and bare abdomens are prohibited.

      (cf. 3260 - Fees and Charges)

      (cf. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement)

      The dress code shall be modified as appropriate to accommodate a student’s religious or cultural observance, health condition, or other circumstance deemed necessary by the principal or designee. In addition, the principal or designee may impose dress requirements to accommodate the needs of special school activities, physical education classes, athletic activities, and other extracurricular activities and cocurricular activities.

      No grade of a student participating in a physical education class shall be adversely affected if the student does not wear standardized physical education apparel because of circumstances beyond the student’s control. (Education Code 49066)

      Students shall be allowed to wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day. (Education Code 35183.5)


      Emergency procedures are in place to insure the safety of the students during various emergency situations: earthquake, evacuation, bomb threats or intruder on campus. During an emergency, children will be dismissed by the Superintendent to go home only if there is time to return students safely to their homes, and parents can be notified. If a student's parents cannot be contacted and/or the parent is unable to pick up their child, the school will maintain responsibility for the student until the parent or authorized individual can pick up the student. At no time will a student be excused except to the care of a parent or other adult designated on the emergency card.

      If evacuation of the school is necessary, students will be transported to a predetermined location. Parents will be advised of the evacuation site by radio announcements and/or information posted at the school site. Evacuation of the school will not be attempted unless there is no alternative.

      In the event of an emergency, school personnel need to be involved in caring for the students, and telephone lines need to be kept open for communications with proper authorities. As a result, we ask that you call the message hot line, (858) 794-4451, which will be updated with specific information and instructions for parents.

      To help prepare for emergency situations, once a month all students and staff perform an Emergency Drill which will consist of one or more of the following:

      • Fire/Evacuation Drill
        The fire alarm sounds. The teacher walks the students to their designated area a safe distance from the building. The teacher then takes attendance and waits for further instructions from the principal.

        Earthquake Drill
      • The teacher has students "Drop and Cover" which is getting to their knees away from dangerous windows or other areas covering their heads. They get under tables, desks, or other sturdy furniture. They remain in this position until the office indicates it is time to evacuate or for the drill to end. If an evacuation is called, all classes walk outside the building to the backfield. Everyone meets at the assembly area where there are supply sheds and emergency equipment in case of an actual emergency.
      • Lockdown Drill
        This drill is in case of an intruder, stray dog, or any other threat on campus. The principal announces the situation on the intercom and rings the bell if students are outside. Teachers lock the doors and close windows. The students move together to a safe spot in the classroom. Teachers take attendance and remain with students. The class waits for further instructions.


        Every Friday at 8:30 a.m. (weather permitting), all classes remain on the blacktop for a short assembly. The principal makes announcements, gives awards, recognizes students, etc. Classes recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing a song together. Parents are always invited to stay for our weekly assemblies.



        • Each year school children have an average of five to seven common infections such as colds and intestinal upset. For the protection of your child and his/her classmates, please keep your child at home when ill. and please notify the school (absence line 858-794-4751). The following symptoms may mean that an illness is contagious:
        • Fever, diarrhea, vomiting within the last 24 hours. Children need to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
        • Thick mucous or pus draining from eyes.
        • Sore throat, especially if combined with fever or swollen neck glands.
        • Rashes with fever or rashes of unknown origin.
        • Upper respiratory infection and/or severe cold, especially if accompanied with green or yellow nasal discharge and/or ear pain.  Coughs spread germs, and a cough that keeps a child up at night means they will be too tired to learn the next day.
        • Stiff neck.
        • Unusual fatigue, paleness, loss of appetite, confusion and irritability. 


        The California School Immunization law requires that all children entering school receive proper immunizations to protect them from serious illness and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases: polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, varicella (chickenpox), diphtheria, tetanus, haemophilus influenza type b (Hib meningitis), and whooping cough.
        Guide to Immunizations for School Entry (pdf, 212 kb)

        Medication at School
        If your child is required to take daily or occasional medication during school hours, state law requires a parent/guardian MUST complete a medical form signed by the doctor before the medication can be administered. ALL medication must be stored in the health office. Children should not have medication with them at any time - please do not put medication in your child's backpack. The nurse will be on duty to administer first aid and medications.

        Medical/Student Insurance

        This is to inform you that the Solana Beach School District does not provide student and athletic accident insurance coverage for students, however, it does make available several insurance coverage plans through Student Insurance, an independent insurance company. The Solana Beach School District takes appropriate steps to protect your child from injury; however, accidents can and do occur, even in safe environments.

        In accordance with Education Code Section 49472, the Solana Beach School District has made available for purchase, voluntary student and athletic accident insurance through the Student Insurance Company. The insurance program offered is optional and complies with the State Education Code. The Student Accident Insurance may be purchased for school-time, 24-hour, and dental coverage. Although you may already have medical insurance for your family, the purchase of this additional coverage could assist you by paying deductibles and balances left after your primary carrier has paid.

        To enroll in the insurance program, please have your student pick up an enrollment brochure and application from the school office. (If you would prefer, you may download a brochure and application at www.studentinsuranceusa.com. ) Complete the application and return with your premium to Student Insurance in the envelope provided. All premium checks/money orders should be payable to Student Insurance. Please do not send cash! Please retain the brochure attached to the application for your records.

        If you have any questions, please call Student Insurance directly for assistance with this program. They may be reached at 1-800-367-5830.



        The purpose of homework is to strengthen academic skills, reinforce concepts taught by teachers, develop student responsibility and accountability, and promote parent awareness. Positive results of homework include better retention of factual knowledge, increased understanding of material, improve critical thinking, concept formation and information processing skills, as well as enrichment of the core curriculum. Our gal is to create assignments that promote one or more of these outcomes. We recognize that homework is not the only circumstance under which after-school learning takes place. Many leisure-time activities teach important academic and life skills. We believe in the importance of balancing leisure, learning and family time.

        Amount of Homework
        The amount of homework assigned shall be related to the maturity and ability level of the students in a given class. The following chart suggests these homework schedules as guides for students. These schedules can be used as guidelines for parents and teachers in monitoring student time devoted to homework.

        Grades K-2 10 – 30 minutes up to 4 days per week
        Grades 3-6 30 – 60 minutes up to 4 days per week

        Be advised that students on occasion may spend more than one hour and/or more than four days a week completing schoolwork, as time at home may be spent doing assigned homework, long-term projects, and completing unfinished classroom assignments. Students have varying abilities to use class time efficiently, and the amount of time spent on homework varies from one child to another.

        Student’s Responsibility
        It is the responsibility of the student to record and understand the homework assignment, complete it, and return it to school on the required day.

        Parent’s Responsibility
        It is the responsibility of the parent to set a specific time and place for doing homework and to monitor the student’s homework. Parents who have concerns about homework should contact their child’s teacher. Parents should provide guidance to students, not answers.

        Homework Requests
        Requests for homework should be called in on the Absence Line (858-794-4751) before 10:00 a.m., and can be picked up between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. that day.


        Found items are kept on the coat rack by the FAB; small or valuable items are kept in a drawer in the school office. After a period of time, items are donated to charity, so please encourage your children to check the lost and found periodically.  We make every effort to return items if names are on them so be sure to label all personal belongings.


        The Solana Beach School District takes part in the National Lunch Program. Meals are served every school day. Students may buy lunch for $3.75. A student lunch includes an entrée, choice of 1% low-fat milk or fat free chocolate milk, 100% fruit juice and assortment of fresh and canned fruits and vegetables from our salad bar.  In order to receive a free or reduced lunch, parents must complete an application (available in the school office) on a yearly basis. Parents can pay for lunch online through Nutri-Kids.com.

        Parents are encouraged to prepay for their children's lunches.  Prepaid students will be issued an electronic card which keeps track of the balance in the student's lunch account. When a student's account drops below a predetermined amount, the student will be given a note to take home and/or the parent will receive an email from Food Service.  We cannot guarantee that all students will be assured their lunch selections o the menu.  When in doubt, pack your child's lunch.

        Lunch Rules:  Eat first; Clean up your area; Talk quietly; Be polite and remember your manners; Raise your hand to use the restroom and get a drink.


        Children are asked not to bring pets from home. In special cases, pets may be brought only with the prior permission of the teacher and should be in a cage or under some other form of restraint.


        California Education Code 51210(g) requires that students in grades 1 through 6 receive not less than 200 minutes of physical education every 10 school days, excluding lunch and recess. Teachers in Solana Beach School District post schedules for P.E. in their classrooms. The schedules are also available in the school’s office.



        Drop off/Pick up in front of school

        • The parking lot is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE!
        • Enter the parking lot and follow the single-file lane along the side parking lot.
        • Continue moving forward to the FRONT of the school and pull as far forward as you can. 
        • Children exit/enter the car FROM THE CURB SIDE ONLY. Please adhere to signs that indicate where the pick-up/drop-off zone begins.
        • You must stay in your car at all times. Do not park and leave your car in any red zones.
        • The parking lot exit is a RIGHT TURN ONLY. This is much safer and helps the traffic flow immensely.
        • Remember that it is extremely dangerous to cross El Apajo. If you need to park and walk your child to school – always use the crosswalk.
        • Pick up is from 2:38 – 3:00 pm. The traffic is VERY congested at 2:38 pm! So arrive early (2:15 pm) or preferably, arrive after 2:45 pm. The traffic flow is much better at this time and it is easier to access the parking lot.
        • We will supervise the children until 3:00 pm. 
        • Be careful, cooperative and patient! Watch out for kids and other vehicles.

        FOR SAFETY REASONS, the “left over” children will be escorted to a supervised classroom to wait for their parents. If you arrive after 3:00 pm and the children are not waiting out front, you will need to get out of your car, check in at the office and then go to the supervised classroom where your child will be waiting. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we have no other way to supervise the students after 3:00 pm, and waiting in the lobby is not a safe option.

        Drop off/Pick up at Circa del Norte (Fairbanks residents only)

        • The pick up/drop off line is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE!
        • Pick up/drop off is only on the West side of Circa del Norte.
        • Pull up as far forward as possible.
        • Children need to exit/enter the car from the passenger side.
        • Parents then continue along in the pick up/drop off zone, merging onto Circa del Norte and exiting through Gate 1.
        • Please stay in your cars – congregating in groups adds to the congestion and creates a safety concern.
        • DO NOT make a U-turn on Circa del Norte prior to or after picking up or dropping off your child. This is extremely unsafe!!
        • The back gates are only open from 8:10 - 8:27 a.m. and from 2:38 – 2:55 p.m.. At all other times, you must access the school from El Apajo. Please note – the gate is not open when it’s raining.
        • Students are not allowed to wait at the horse stables.


          The Solana Santa Fe Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is an integral part of the school. the PTO is dedicated to supporting the children and community of Solana Santa Fe School. To reach these goals, our PTO members volunteer many hours and raise funds to support classrooms, encourage communication, and develop community spirit. PTO donations support our science, art, PE, media center, and computer specialists, as well as various enrichment and cultural projects throughout the year. Please refer to our PTO webpage for additional details and information.


          We welcome all new families to Solana Santa Fe School. Please come in to the school office to get a registration packet or download one online from the District website:  www.sbsd.k12.ca.us.  Requirements for new students include:

          1. Verification of Age:
                One (1) of the following:
          • Certified copy of a birth record
          • Statement by a local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth
          • Baptismal Certificate
          • Passport
          • If none of the above is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, custodian, or any other appropriate means of proving the child’s age is acceptable
          2. Proof of Residence:
                 One (1) of the following:
          • Grant Deed or Property Tax Statement
          • Valid and current Rental/Lease Agreement with Property Management Company or Real Estate Agency (PRIVATE PARTY LEASES require a notarized affidavit from property owner's.  Form available at school office upon request.)

          REPORT CARDS

          Students are issued Report Cards three times a year. Report cards are reviewed with parents during the fall and spring parent-teacher conferences. A final report card is sent home with the students on the last day of school. The school will hold report cards if students have not paid for a lost book.


          School photos are taken in the early fall and the finished photos come home in early December. Class group photos will be taken. Individual photos are optional. You will be notified beforehand of the various options for the purchase of prints. You are not required to purchase photographs.


          In the 1970's, the State of California passed a law that set up the School Improvement Program (SIP), which enabled schools to receive supplemental funding from the state. The new law also required that schools establish School Site Councils (SSC) in order to receive and spend the extra funding provided by SIP (if and when any monies are made available by the State). Our Site Council is made up of  five parents, five teachers/staff, and the principal. The Site Council assists in long-range planning and monitoring of the site strategic school plan and if funds are available, the overseeing of the expenditure of SIP funds. Meetings are held three to four times a year and are open to the public.


          Solana Beach School District has adopted board policy and administrative regulation (BP/AR) 5145.7 containing rules and procedures for reporting sexual harassment. “The Board prohibits sexual harassment of students by other students, employees or other persons, at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors or other unwanted verbal, visual or physical conduct of sexual nature made against another person of the same or opposite gender, in the education setting.”

          The Solana Beach School District prohibits unlawful sexual harassment of any student or employee by any other student or employee. Teachers shall discuss this policy with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need not endure any form of sexual harassment. Any student who engages in sexual harassment of anyone in or from the District may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any employee who permits or engages in sexual harassment of any student may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Students and staff shall immediately report incidents of sexual harassment to the principal/designee or to another District administrator. Any student who feels that he/she is being sexually harassed should immediately contact the principal/designee or another District administrator in order to obtain a copy of AR 1312.2 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. Complaints of sexual harassment can be filed in accordance with these procedures. The District prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the process. Each complaint of sexual harassment shall be promptly investigated in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned.



          The Board of Education believes that reasonable use of surveillance cameras will help the District support its goals for campus security. Cameras are not placed in areas where students, staff, or community members have a reasonable expectation for privacy. The District’s audio capability on the surveillance equipment is disabled so sounds are not recorded.


          Solana Santa Fe School and the Solana Beach School District is a tobacco-free site. Use of all tobacco products shall be prohibited within any district building, facility, or vehicle. In addition, the use of all tobacco products is prohibited on school grounds or premises. This prohibition shall also apply to all individuals attending or representing the school district at school-sponsored activities held off district property.


          Students may not use toys, pagers, cell phones, or other personal electronic equipment during school hours. If students need to call a parent during school hours, they may use a school phone. The school phone should not be used to schedule after-school play dates. These dates should be arranged in advance.


          All persons visiting our campus must follow these rules:

          1. Please sign in at the office first and get a visitor's badge which must be visibly worn.
          2. Visitors may observe classroom instruction, but will need to schedule an appointment with the office. In order to not disrupt the learning process and to ensure minimum interruption of the instructional program, visitors will be escorted through classrooms. If a conference is desired, please make an appointment with the teacher during non-instructional time. (BP 1250)
          3. Visitors are asked to check back in with the office before leaving campus to sign out and return their badge.

          The following resources are available to any parent who wishes to know how his/her child is doing i school: parent/teacher conferences, Back to School Night, meetings with the guidance counselor, meetings with the principal, report cards, progress reports, homework samples, work samples and standardized test data.


          Solana Santa Fe has a strong tradition of parent involvement. Under the teacher’s direction, parents work with children individually or in small groups, giving students immediate feedback on their work and helping them through problems. Volunteers provide additional support for classroom learning activities. Others can help out on field trips, by sharing special talents or helping to prepare materials at school. All volunteers are asked to sign in daily in the office.

          Because volunteers are such an integral part of our school, it is important to keep our standards high. All volunteers will be required to sign the Volunteer Code of Conduct. It is important for all volunteers to remember the following:

          • Be responsible and safe -- always put children first. 
          • Respect confidentiality. Students and staff have a right to privacy. 
          • Be professional. 
          • Communicate. 
          • When things come up and you can’t fulfill a promise, let someone know. 
          • Ask for help -- don’t suffer in silence! 
          • Share your experience with others and encourage new volunteers. Commitment - Once you become a volunteer others depend on you. 
          • Try to pick what is manageable and interesting to you. 
          • Be prepared. Communicate with teachers and other staff members ahead of time. 
          • Be on time. If you can’t make it, let someone know. 

          Each volunteer working with children must have the report of a negative tuberculin test (injection) or X-ray on file in the health office. The tuberculin test and X-ray are good for four years.

          We so appreciate all that you do for our school!