Drop off/Pick up in front of school

    1. The parking lot is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE!
    2. Enter the parking lot - DO NOT turn left towards the front of the school!
    3. Follow the single-file lane along the side parking lot. Cars will be parked in the center of the lot – you will drive along the right side of the parking lot towards the back of the school.
    4. When you get to the end, continue around and up the left side of the parking lot to the front of the school. Do NOT stop and drop off while in the side parking lot, but continue moving forward to the front of the school.
    5. When you have reached the front of the school and have pulled as far forward as you can (without hitting the car in front of you) stop and let your children exit/enter your car FROM THE CURB SIDE ONLY. Please adhere to signs that indicate where the pick-up/drop-off zone begins.
    6. You cannot park and leave your car in any red zones. You must stay in your car at all times.
    7. Be careful, cooperative and patient! Watch out for kids and other vehicles (and please watch your language – there are young children present).
    8. Remember that it is extremely dangerous to cross El Apajo. If you need to park and walk your child to school – do not park in the business park and always use the crosswalk.
    9. Pick up is from 2:38 – 3:00 pm. The traffic is VERY congested at 2:38 pm! A good suggestion is to either arrive early (2:15 pm) or preferably, arrive after 2:45 pm. The traffic flow is much better at this time and it is easier to access the parking lot. We will supervise the children until 3:00 pm. At 3:00 pm, we will bring the children into the school.

      FOR SAFETY REASONS, the “left over” children will be escorted to a supervised classroom to wait for their parents. If you arrive after 3:00 pm and the children are not waiting out front, you will need to get out of your car, check in at the office and then go to the supervised classroom where your child will be waiting. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we have no other way to supervise the students after 3:00 pm, and waiting in the lobby is not a safe option.

    Drop off/Pick up at Circa del Norte (Fairbanks residents only)


    1. The pick up/drop off line is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE!
    2. Pick up/drop off is only on the West side of Circa del Norte.
    3. Pull up as far forward as possible.
    4. Children need to exit/enter the car from the passenger side.
    5. Parents then continue along in the pick up/drop off zone, merging onto Circa del Norte and exiting through Gate 1.
    6. Please stay in your cars – congregating in groups adds to the congestion and creates a safety concern.
    7. DO NOT make a U-turn on Circa del Norte prior to or after picking up or dropping off your child. This is extremely unsafe!!
    8. The back gates are only open from 8:10 - 8:27 a.m. and from 2:38 – 2:55 p.m.. At all other times, you must access the school from El Apajo. Please note – the gate is not open when it’s raining.
    9. Students will not be allowed to wait at the horse stables after gates close at 2:55 pm.



    1. What can we do to ease the traffic jam? CARPOOL, CARPOOL, CARPOOL!! Also, if you live in Fairbanks, please access the back gate. If you need to turn left into the school parking lot or if you have older children, consider dropping off during the first 10 minutes (8:10 – 8:20 am) and picking up during the last 10 minutes of pick up (2:50 – 3:00) when the congestion is considerably less.


    1. Why can't we unload in the back parking lot? The back parking lot was not designed for pick-up or drop off – hence, it becomes a major safety concern to have cars backing up while children are present and it is not safe for pedestrians when cars are moving through the parking lot.


    1. Where should my children wait for me when I drive through? All children waiting for pick-up will be standing directly in front of the entrance of the school. To ensure the safety of the children and the efficiency of the traffic flow plan, please pull as far forward as possible.


    1. Why shouldn't my child wait for me at the deli across the street? Please don't ask you children to wait anywhere off campus. We only have adult supervision on our campus. In case of an emergency, our school staff can best assist and supervise your children when they are on campus. Also, there is no one to cross them across the street - we cannot endorse this as a safe route for our students.


    1. Why do I need to pull all the way forward when in the drop-off/pick-up zone? We have worked diligently with the Fire Department, Police Department and the city traffic commission to design the safest and most expedient traffic flow plan. When a car stops in the middle to pick-up or drop-off nobody else can pick-up or drop-off. When you pull all the way around, more children can load/unload simultaneously.


    1. Why can't we park in the shopping center across the street? The center has requested that we NOT use their parking lot during business hours. We thank them for their generosity in the past. However, they have achieved full occupancy and need all of their spots for their tenants and customers, and will be towing unauthorized vehicles. Thank you for honoring their request.


    1. Why can't I get out of my car-I'm just going to be a minute? The traffic flow is severely disrupted when even one car is left unattended - a terrible traffic jam is the result. Please park on the street if you need to leave your car.