Meet and Greet and First Day of School
Hello Students and Families!
I look forward to meeting you at our Meet and Greet on Friday, August 9th from 9:15-10:00. I will be in our room, Room 13 in building B. It would be fabulous if you could stop by to introduce yourself to me and see old and new friends. If you are not able to attend, please do not worry, I will see you on the First Day of School!
Our First Day of School is Monday, August 12th. You can play on the playground from 8:10-8:25. The first bell will ring at 8:25 and school starts at 8:30 am. Line up outside our room, Room 13, next to our patio, and I will meet you there.
Helpful Tips:
* Bring a water bottle (with your name on it). We need water to nourish our bodies every day.
* Bring a healthy snack from home or you can get a snack from our nutritional services.
* Bring a backpack (without wheels) and any materials you may have purchased.
I'm looking forward to a fantastic year together!
Mrs. DeGraffenreid