Preschool specialized program classes provide structured, small group, individualized instruction with reverse mainstreaming and mainstreaming opportunities for social interaction with neurotypical developing peers. Preschool specialized academic instruction targets student needs across domains to include; pre-academics, communication development, social/emotional/behavioral functioning, gross motor and fine motor development, adaptive/daily living skills, and health/medical needs. In addition to this targeted individualized instruction for students with special needs, preschool students receive general preschool curriculum exposure/education.
Preschool inclusion model classes provide a general education preschool teacher providing instruction based on the preschool learning foundations with consultation/ collaboration from an early childhood special education teacher and other related services and supports as identified in the student's IEP.
Preschool Assessment
If you have concerns regarding your child’s development and your child is three to five years old, please get in touch with the Special Education Services Department at (858) 794-7124. If your child is five years old and attending kindergarten within the Solana Beach School District, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s school for more information regarding assessment.
If your child is under the age of three, and you have concerns regarding their development, please contact HOPE Infant Family Support Program or San Diego Regional Center.