SBSD School Counselors

Solana Beach School District (SBSD) school counselors participated in the School Counselor IMPACT Day conference!
IMPACT Day gave school counselors a unique opportunity to grow in their practice through activities designed to promote self-discovery and enhance collaboration. SBSD school counselors reflected on their own life experiences through experimental activities to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Team building and equity work in action! Thank you @keepitrealmatters for guiding SBSD counselors!
Solana Beach School District and school sites are celebrating National School Counseling Week 2023 (#NSCW23) Feb. 6-10, 2023! School site counselors play a unique role in the nurturing of our students' success, specifically focusing on the social-emotional well-being of students, and guiding them to make positive choices. SBSD would like to highlight how our school site counselors help students dream big! Take a look at each photo to read each counselor's message on how they help students dream big!