
    An organized and efficient classroom helps to ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn in a safe and comfortable environment.  With this in mind, the following procedures have been established to benefit the entire class:


    Link to our Attendance Information:

    School begins at 8:25 am. It is very important that your child is on time for school. All students must be in line for the first bell at 8:24.  Each student not inside the gate with the rest of the class - NO LATER THAN 8:25 - must be walked around to the office to be checked in before going on to the classroom.


    Absence Line:

    If your child is absent from school, you will need to call the absence hotline to inform the school at 794-4451. You may leave messages at any time of the day or evening. 


    Early Pick-up During the Day:

    If your child needs to leave school during the day for an appointment or if they are ill, please check them out at the office. The office staff will contact our room, and I will send your child to the office.  Please allow time for your child to clean up their tools and pack-up before leaving for the day.


    Daily Work:

    Most of your child’s completed work will be sent home in their Friday Work Envelope. Sometimes they will have incomplete work in this folder.  It is up to you if you would like them to complete it and return it to me.  Incomplete classwork that DOES need to be completed at home and returned will be additional homework and will be put in the respective folder.


    After-School Pick-Up:

    If your child is not going home their usual way (to a friend’s for a playdate, for example) please send a note that day, or an email PRIOR to the day of, as I do not always check my email before dismissal, stating the plan.  I keep these notes on a clipboard to double check with each student on their way out of the gate.  This is a very important safety plan.  If I do not receive a note in writing, the parent taking your child home MUST be listed on your Emergency Contact information.



    In order to best support our district’s Wellness Policy and to address any allergy issues, I am requesting that students bring non-food items to celebrate their birthdays. However, we may be able to have fruit-based popsicles on hot days. We can discuss any of your ideas for a SMALL token or gift bag for each student as needed.


    When it is your child’s birthday, you can send me an email and let me know which day you would like us to celebrate. We will celebrate the summer birthdays on their half-birthdays.


    Items may be sent to school with your child or dropped off at the office with my name attached.  We will recognize your child’s birthday by singing “Happy Birthday” at the end of the day and your child will hand out the treat that they chose to share with their classmates.


    Clothing and personal items:

    Please WRITE your child’s name on  their jackets, sweaters, hats, backpacks, snack bags, lunch bag/box, and water bottles. For safety reasons, please do not send your child to school wearing non-protective footwear (thongs, clogs, flip-flops, Crocs). 

    It is important to wear proper footwear for PE participation.  It is very likely that we will have organized PE and outdoor activities almost EVERY DAY and your child needs to wear appropriate clothing and shoes DAILY!


    Oral Sharing:

    Students may share on days that we have Class Meeting, time permitting. IF they would like to share an accomplishment or something they have created on their own; such as any type of art, song, writing/poetry, STREAM activity, or awards they have received.


    BOOKS ARE DUE ON the day BEFORE our scheduled Library day. We visit the Library weekly for a lesson and an opportunity to check out two books. Should your child forget to return any number of books, the amount of books that they check out the following week will be adjusted accordingly.  If they forget both books, they will be a "book browser" for that week. Should your child lose or misplace a book, you will receive a bill to replace the book ($20 for a hardcover book and $15 for a paperback).  Should you find the book and return it at a later date, you will receive a full refund. 



    With our policy of playing first and eating second, the students get very hungry by their scheduled lunchtime, so please send a snack with your child to school!  Healthy snacks help them make it through the day! They should have their snack separate from their lunch and please be sure that both are clearly labeled.


    Parent-Teacher Communication:

    Every FRIDAY, a special envelope will be sent home containing notices from the office, PTO, and other organizations.  Most of this information will be accessible online as well.  




    If you would like to speak with me, please send a note with your child to school (or in their Friday envelopes), send an message on Parent Square (best way to get a quick response), or leave me a message on my voicemail and I will return your call as soon as possible. Additionally, my email is:  swalker@sbsd.net 


    Please be respectful of their learning time by emailing the small stuff and making an appointment when you would rather speak face to face. I want to give you, and your child, the attention and time everyone deserves.