•                                                                                               STREAM LOGO
    Welcome Solana Pacific Families to our Solana Pacific 2024-2025 STREAM page! Here you will find information for our Solana Pacific STREAM program such as project documents, assignments, links, donation information, newsletters, photos and upcoming events. All year we will be diving into robotics, engineering, and project based learning alligned to the California NGSS standards.
    Mr. Schneider- Room 107
    Maker Space- Room 109 
    Feel Free To Contact Mr. Schneider With Any Questions at ericschneider@sbsd.net
    You may drop off small donations in the office in the STREAM bins by the front entrance.
    For larger sized donations please contact Mr. Schneider via email.
    When Does My Student Have STREAM?
    Every student receives STREAM once a week however students are exposed to our STREAM vision and program throughout every day in both the general education classroom and Discovery Labs. Students also have access to STREAM activities during lunch and recess depending on the day.
    Does My Student Have Homework?
    Yes, sometimes students will recieve homework for STREAM. It goes towards their classroom science grade.
    Your are always welcome to contact me regarding any questions about your students progress or general questions about our assignments. 
    Check out the Solana Beach School District website for district STREAM information.
    Be Sure To Follow Us On Twitter If You Have An Account @SOLPACSTREAM