Helpful LinksModule 1- Place Value and Decimal Fractions:Module 2 - Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals:Module 3 - Adding and Subtracting Fractions:
Module 4- Multiplying and Dividing Fractions:
Module 5 - Area and Volume:Module 6- Coordinate Grid:Here are some other helpful links:QUIZLET: http://quizlet.com
ZEARN (class code is WK2Q7U): http://www.zearn.org
KHAN ACADEMY (class code isCHUK94AD): http://khanacademy.org
NEWSLEA: http://newsela.com
FRECKLE (class code is vp786z): https://student.freckle.com/#/login
CLASS WIKI: http://wiki.sbsd.k12.ca.us/x/9YOiAQ
ASTRO CAMP's website: http://astrocamp.org
SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB (class code is GKGJ2): https://clubs.scholastic.com