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    Illness and Exclusion Policy


    It is not unusual for young children to become ill frequently when first introduced to a preschool environment.  Because the health and welfare of all children is important to us, a child with obvious signs of illness will be sent home.


    If your child becomes ill at home with a confirmed case of a contagious illness such as strep throat, please notify us so we can alert other parents.


    Following are reasons we will exclude your child from childcare:

    • Fever of 100° degrees or more
    • Nausea and or vomiting
    • Body rash with fever
    • Hand, Foot, mouth with fluid filled sores
    • Sore throat with fever and swollen glands
    • Severe coughing
    • Fifths disease
    • Signs of conjunctivitis (pink eye) must be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school
    • If your child is sent home with diarrhea, they must stay home for a minimum of 24 hours. All children sent home with diarrhea, must be back on a solid diet and have regular bowel movements before returning to school.
    • Child is irritable, lethargic, continuously crying, or requires more attention than can be provided without hurting the health and safety of the other children
    • Child is not able to comfortably participate in the normal classroom activities
    • Lice: children must be lice and nit free in order to attend. If your child is sent home with lice, they must have their head checked by the office before returning to school.


    If your child displays signs of illness while at school, we will make him/her comfortable (away from other children) and you will be contacted to pick up your child.  Parents must pick-up their sick child within one hour after notification by the school.  If the parent is unable to come to pick up, an authorized individual must come within the hour.


    A child who has been sick, or has been sent home from school, must have a normal temperature without medication (below 99° degrees) for 24 hours before returning to school.


    A child who is on medication for a contagious illness, must be on the medication for at least 24 hours, be fever free, and able to participate in regular classroom activities before returning to school.


    Thank you for helping us keep all of the children at CDC safe and healthy!



    In general we feel that a child on medication needs to be at home.  However, as is the case with ear infections, some medications must be given over a period of days, even though the child has improved.

    The Center will administer prescription or over-the-counter medication as long as:

    • CDC has written authorization from the child’s physician and parent.
    • The medication is in the original container with the child’s name, physician’s name, date, the correct dosage and time it is to be administered clearly visible.
    • The medication has not expired.

    No medication will be administered under any circumstances unless the parent completes and signs the Child Development Center’s “Request to Give Medication Form” and we have the physician’s authorization.  The forms are available in each classroom.  There are no exceptions to this policy.

    For the safety of all children, all medications must be given to a staff member upon arrival at school.  Never put vitamins or medicine of any kind in your child’s lunch box, backpack or cubby.


    Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for all children.  However, accidents sometimes occur when active and energetic children play.  Minor injuries that occur at school will be treated with soap, water, ice, Band-Aids and lots of TLC.  You will be notified of any minor injuries your child receives during the day at the end of his/her school day on a written accident report.

    In the event of a serious illness or accident, every attempt will be made to reach a parent as soon as possible.  It is critical that you notify the CDC office of any changes in your phone numbers or other emergency information throughout the school year. If we are unable to reach a parent, we will contact the child’s physician for instructions.  When unable to reach the physician, the child will be taken to Scripps Hospital in Encinitas.



    The entire Child Development Center staff has been trained in disaster preparedness, first aid, CPR and the use of an Epi-Pen.  We hold monthly fire drills and periodic disaster drills.  In the event of a major disaster, we have a comprehensive disaster plan in place and have ample supplies to care for your children until you are able to come for them.

    Additional Safety Concerns

    1. CDC is a “Nut-Free School”.  Nuts and peanut butter are not allowed at CDC. 

    Some CDC children have severe, life-threatening allergies to nuts.  In order to protect all children:

    • Do not place small packages of peanuts in your child’s lunch box.  The one small peanut that may end up on a classroom floor or the ground would be disastrous for an allergic child.
    • Do not pack candy of any kind in your child’s lunch box.
    • If you pack a “Lunchable®” for your child. please remove any candy included in the package as it could contain nuts.

    2. All gate latches and security devices must be used at all times.  We teach the children that only teachers and parents are allowed to open gates and gate latches.  Please do not allow your child to open gates.

    3. All children must be under adult supervision at all times while on the CDC campus, especially younger siblings. 

    • You can assist us by keeping your child by your side at all times.  Please do not allow your child to go into a classroom alone for his/her belongings, run ahead of you to the car or to the CDC office.

    4. Once parents have signed their child out from the program for the day, they are no longer CDC’s responsibility:

    • For the safety of the children, it is critical for staff to remain focused on those children who continue to be under their direct supervision.  If you wish to remain on campus to visit with friends or allow your child to play longer, we ask that you use the playground located on the lower field.

    5. Emergency information must be kept up to date at all times.

    • We need to be able to reach you if your child becomes ill at school or there is an emergency.  If you move, change jobs, or change cell phone numbers, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can update your child’s file.

    6. Dogs are not permitted on the CDC campus. 

    • Please assist us by leaving your dogs at home or leaving them in the car.

    7. CDC staff members are trained to be alert to suspected child abuse or any form of child endangerment

    • As mandated by law, we are required to report any and all concerns regarding a child’s welfare. Do not leave children alone in vehicles. CDC will report such incidences to the Sheriff Department/Child Protective Services.

    8. Classroom restrooms and restrooms adjacent to the playgrounds are for children only. Adult restrooms are located in the CDC office or the School District office.

    Disaster Preparedness

    The Child Development Center and the Solana Beach School District have a comprehensive Disaster Plan.  There are emergency supplies such as food, water and first aid supplies on campus.  The CDC staff is trained in First Aid and CPR.

    In the event of a major disaster such as an earthquake, CDC and School District staff will remain on campus to care for your child.  We hold monthly drills to help the children learn how to exit the buildings in a safe and calm manner.