If you have questions regarding what sounds your child is working on or howto best use these materials at home, please contact your child's SLP. Also, please see Tips for Promoting Speech/Lang Development link of this website for suggestions on how to incorporate these into home routines.
*Speech Sound Production*Objects and/or Stories for Speech Sound Work/t/ Sound
- Initial /t/
- Medial /t/
- Final /t/
/d/ Sound- Initial /d/
- Medial /d/
- Final /d/
/n/ Sound- Initial /n/
- Medial /n/
- Final /n/
/k/ Sound- Initial /k/
- Medial /k/
- Final /k/
/g/ Sound- Initial /g/
- Medial /g/
- Final /g/
- Mixed /g/
/f/ Sound- Initial /f/
- Medial /f/
- Final /f/
/v/ Sound- Initial /v/
- Medial /v/
- Final /v/
/s/ Sound- Initial /s/
- Medial /s/
- Final /s/
/z/ Sound- Initial /z/
- Medial /z/
- Final /z/
/s/-blends- sp-
- sw-
- sn-
- st-
- sm-
- Mixed /s/-blends
"sh" Sound- Initial "sh"
- Medial "sh"
- Final "sh"
"ch" Sound- Initial "ch"
- Medial "ch"
- Final "ch"
Final Consonant DeletionSyllable Shapes*Voice/Fluency*Vocal Volume
*Language*(scroll down for social/pragmatics & literature links)Actions/VerbsPronounsPluralsDirection/Position ConceptsFollowing Directions
- Spring Following Directions (by Expressly Speaking)
Vocabulary- Sorting
- Farm Animals Sorting Board
- Fruit Sorting Board
- People Sorting Board
- School Supplies Sorting Board
- Toys Sorting Board
- Vegetables Sorting Board
- Animals
- Body Parts
- Nature
- Nature Vocab (by Expressly Speaking)
Wh- Questions- What, Where
- Summer What & Where-Questions (by Expressly Speaking)
- When
- Who
- Why
- Object Functions Bingo #1 ("why do we have...?")
- Object Functions Bingo #2
*Literature*- The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Carle)
- The Very Grouchy Ladybug (Carle)
- Ten Little Caterpillars (Martin)
- The Very Busy Spider (Carle)
- A Parade for Sam (Labatt)
- Pizza for Sam (Labatt)
*Social/Pragmatics*EmotionsGreetingsJoining InAsking Questions