• American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) -- National governing body of SLPs and Audiologists; links to research articles, online seminars, etc.
    Autism Society of America -- Supports and services aimed at individuals living with autism spectrum disorders, as well as their families. Links to several online courses & tutorials, home practice materials, and advocacy/support groups.
    Autism Speaks -- Links to lots of national resources, research articles, recommended apps, etc.
    Down Syndrome Association of San Diego -- Website that aims "to enhance the quality of life for people with Down syndrome and their families." List of local support groups for parents/caregivers, calendar of yearly events in the area (benefit galas, fundraisers, family fun days, etc.), FAQs regarding supports available at various stages of life, etc.
    Exceptional Family Resource Center -- A website providing support and information/education to families of children with special needs. Links to many local programs and support groups, parent trainings, info regarding legal rights of those with disabilitiesetc. 
    Exceptional Parent Magazine -- Free online monthly magazine offering articles on a multitude of topics relevant to families and caregivers of those with special needs.
    Fun with Spot -- Language-based games linked to the Spot the Dog series of children's books (E. Hill)
    The Hanen Centre - Tips for Parents - Strategies and suggestions for parents of children at varying levels of communication
    Hope Infant Family Support Program -- A public special education program offering services to infants/toddlers with special needs and to their families. HOPE is part of the California Early Start program and provides free services to qualifying families through the San Diego County Office of Education.
    International Rett Syndrome Foundation -- Website geared towards parents and/or caregivers of children with Rett Syndrome, which is a genetic, neurological disorder typically diagnosed during infancy. Sections on diagnosis & genetic testing, FAQs, online support groups, international and national grant programs, etc.
    Kiz Club -- Free printables based on many children's nursery rhymes and circle time songs, such as "I'm a Little Teapot", "Five Green & Speckled Frogs", "Down by the Bay", etc.
    North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) -- SBSD belongs to this consortium comprised of 14 local school districts. NCCSE offers frequent parent trainings, seminars, web courses, etc., most of which are free of charge to parents of SBSD students. Click on either the "Parents" tab or the "Register for Workshops" tag for details regarding upcoming events.
    PBS Kids -- Links to many children's shows and show-based educational activities.
    Quia -- Online articulation games. Specific recommendations: Mrs. Ramsay's Quia Artic Games, Mrs. Boyd's Artic Practice Quia Page, Lonn Swanson's Artic & Grammar Games
    Scholastic -- Lots of free printable activities that you can modify based on your child's age and/or skill levels.
    Stuttering Foundation of America -- Website geared towards parents of children with fluency disorders or parents concerned regarding their child's level of speech fluency. Lots of parent resources, links to research articles, etc.
    SuperDuper Handy Handouts -- Tons of free, printable handouts on a wide variety of speech/language topics (stuttering, articulation, kindergarten readiness, verb tenses, eye contact, etc.)