Science Olympiad
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did."
- Newt Gingrich
San Diego County Science Olympiad:Science Olympiad is a nationwide K-12 science competition that is conducted at regional, state, and national levels. Solana Pacific and Solana Ranch participate in the Division B level for 6th-9th graders. (Please note San Diego County does not offer a Division A competition for K-5th graders at the present time.)
Teams and Events: A Science Olympiad team is composed of up to 15 students. The team competes in 23 independent events, with the maximum of 2 students per event. This is achieved by assigning each student to 3 events. Student event assignment is decided by the coordinator based on team requirements, event schedule, practice schedule, and student interests.
Practices: Prior to the Regional Science Olympiad, students practice for 4-5 months learning about their respective events. They practice in small groups on a weekly basis. Students should commit 4-6 hours per week for SO practices.
Coaching: The practices are prepared and conducted by parent volunteer coaches. Volunteer coaches should commit 8-10 hours per week. It is the coach’s responsibility to prepare all their students for the events to the best of their ability. On site school meetings will be announced after parent volunteers have been selected. It is very important that all coaches read through the Science Olympiad Manual to understand what is required of the students on competition day. Reading the manual will set our students up for success!! Science Olympiad Manual 2025
Regional Competition: The Regional Division B Competition usually takes place some time in February.
Participation: All interested students are invited to participate in Science Olympiad practices on a non-competitive, recreational basis. The 2x15=30 members of the Solana Pacific and Solana Ranch competitive teams will be selected by the Head Coach based on a number of criteria, among them: student experience and commitment, student diligence during practices, and student participation. If needed, alternate competitive team members will be selected and charged the different for competing.
Further Information: The National Science Olympiad website: http// Regional Science Olympiad for San Diego County: SBCDC Representative: Tiffany Baker:
For the 2024-2025 Science Olympiad Events Click Here.
Science Olympiad is usually offered at the following Schools:
Solana Pacific
Solana Ranch
However, Science Olympiad can be started at any school site with 4.5.6 graders. Please email Tiffany to find out how!For more information or questions, contact Tiffany Baker, Academic Clubs Programs Lead by email at