• Classroom Expectations
    We want Solana Highlands School to be the best possible learning environment for your children.  In order to do this, we must have a safe, supportive environment, and that means good discipline where the students know the school standards and show respect for each other and their school.
    At Solana Highlands School, we implement a school discipline program which is positive, emphasizing and rewarding good behavior while minimizing classroom disruptions or inappropriate behavior.  Our school and classroom rules are made very clear to the students and your child's teacher will explain exactly what the classroom expectations and rules are in your child's classroom.
    Attending school is a right and it carries with it responsibilities.  We believe that all students have the right to learn and all teachers have the right to teach, therefore, all students will:
    1. Be on time and prepared to work.
    2. Show courtesy and respect for everyone.
    3. Respect property.
    4. Not disrupt the learning process.
    See the Behavior Expectations link for additional information.  Please take time to read and discuss the school and classroom expectations with your child.  We appreciate your cooperation and support and we look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing together in knowledge and acceptance of responsibility.
    Thank you for your support!