


    Student assessment is a vital part of the educational process. Teachers and specialists use a variety of methods to regularly assess student progress on an ongoing basis. In addition, the following testing procedures are used district-wide.

    • STAR Testing: Standardized Testing and Reporting is administered in the spring to all students in grades 2-6. These norm-referenced tests provide information concerning our students’ performance as compared with a nationwide set of performance norms. These tests are designed to identify the knowledge and skills that students have acquired in specific content areas at a certain point in time. Reading, language, and math are tested and individual student achievement is reported to parents. 
    • MAP Testing:  The MAP test (Measures of Academic Progress) is a computer program that measures and reports student growth in Reading and Math over months and years. A MAP assessment is administered three times each year and informs the instructional decisions of teachers. 
    • OTIS LENNON:  The Otis Lennon test is a scholastic aptitude test that is administered to all third graders.


    Regular attendance is important for students to be successful learners. When a student is absent, they miss out on the sequence of instruction and must spend extra time catching up with their classmates upon returning to school. In addition, Ed. Code 48200 requires all children ages 6 to 18 to be enrolled in a full-time education program. Absences are monitored closely. Please call the absence hotline, (858) 794-4351 (available 24 hours a day) when your child will be absent. If you would like more information about the absence or tardy policy, please use this link.

    Checking In and Out: Students must be checked in and out through the school office when coming in late or leaving early. Students may ONLY be released to those persons designated on their emergency cards. We are unable to make any exceptions. Parents must insure they have listed the names of any individual who may pick up their child on the student's emergency card.

    Tardies & Absences for students grade K through 6: Students are required to attend school and classes on time each day. Punctuality is a measure of responsibility and the Governing Board of Solana Beach School District deems it important that all students learn the value of being punctual.

    Students tardy to school must obtain a Tardy Admission Slip at the school office before going to their class. Students are considered to be tardy if they are not in their seat prepared to work before the bell rings for any period. 

    Prompt Afterschool Pickup: Staff supervision ends at 3:00 pm. Students not picked up by 3:00 pm will be directed to the office. Students will then sign their name on a clipboard and sign the time out when they leave. Repetitive late pick-ups will be reported to the principal. A letter may be sent home reminding you that prompt pick-up is important to ensure your child's safety.

    Medical Appointments: We urge parents to schedule medical and dental appointments so they do not conflict with class time. If a student needs to be checked out of class, parents must come to the office to sign them out (and back when they return). We will call the classroom to have your child come to the office.

    Back to School Night
    Kindergarten Back-to-School Night is scheduled for the Thursday before school starts.  1st - 6th Grade Back-to-School Night is scheduled for early September.  Parents are encouraged to attend this special event at the beginning of the year. The purpose of the meeting is to give teachers an opportunity to share with parents the curriculum, class expectancies and learning opportunities being made available for each child. This night is for parent/teacher communication, so parents will need to make childcare arrangements. Discussion is intended to be general. Conferences for individual concerns are scheduled for a later time. Please check the school website and Principal Sunday communication for specific dates and times.

    Open House Night is scheduled for early May. This is an opportunity for students to share with their parents some of the projects and other classroom activities they have worked on throughout the year.

    Bullying Prevention Policy

    Our school community (staff, students, and families) are committed to making our school a safe and caring environment for each and every student. In alignment with Board Policy 5131.2 - Bullying, Solana Beach School District works to ensure each and every individual experiences a sense of belonging, respect, dignity, and safety. The prevention of bullying is a top priority, and if it occurs we must respond to it.


    Bullying is the repetitive (act that is not one time, instead it keeps on repeating over frequent intervals), intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online. When talking about bullying, it is very important for students, teachers, and parents to understand what bullying is not. Many times, a single act or behavior is hurtful, but it may not be considered bullying.


    Bullying that occurs through the Internet or other forms of technology is known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication media (cell phones, text messages, gaming chats, Google Classroom,social media, etc.) to bully another student in the ways described above. Bullying and cyberbullying may interfere with a student’s educational opportunities and may substantially disrupt the orderly operations of the school. Parents and guardians can be partners in cyberbullying prevention by supervising and monitoring the use of their student’s digital devices and technologies. 


    Students in SBSD will do the following things to prevent bullying and feel safe at school:

    • Treat everyone with respect and kindness

    • Be an upstander (someone who sees what happens and intervenes, interrupts, or speaks up to stop the bullying)

    • Do not be not a bystander (someone who sees bullying happening and does nothing stop it)

    • Try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out

    • Immediately report repeated unsafe and/or repeated unkind behaviors to a school adult


    Teachers, staff, and administration in SBSD will do the following things to prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school:

    • Supervise students in all assigned areas of the school and playground

    • Watch for signs of bullying behavior and intervene as appropriate when it happens

    • Utilize classroom meetings to develop a culture of respect and dignity for each person

    • Respond quickly and sensitively to reported allegations of bullying

    • Examine all reported bullying allegations 

    • Assign corrective action, consequences, and facilitate restorative practices for instances of bullying based on the school’s Effective Schoolwide Environment Plan, including retaliation against students who report bullying 

    • Provide timely communication (typically with 24-48 hours of the reported allegations) with parents/guardians and families of involved students

    Bike and Skateboard Riding Policy
    Students may ride bicycles to school if they abide by the following safety rules:

    • Bicycles/skateboards are to be walked on school premises. Sidewalks must be used in the parking lot areas.
    • Bicycles/skateboards must be parked in bike racks and locked.
    • Only one person on a bike.
    • Bicycle riders must obey these rule that apply to cars when using the street.
    • Helmets must be worn according to state law.

    Cell Phones/Handheld Portable Devices

    SBSD Board Policy 5131 

    Mobile communication devices shall be turned off during instructional time. Smartwatches may be worn and shall be turned off or placed in “school mode” such as “Airplane” or “Do Not Disturb” during the instructional day. 

    A student shall not be prohibited from possessing or using a mobile communication device or smartwatch under any of the following circumstances: (Education Code 48901.5, 48901.7) 

    ● In the case of an emergency, or in response to a perceived threat of danger 

    • When a teacher or administrator grants permission to the student to possess or use a mobile communication device, subject to any reasonable limitation imposed by that teacher or administrator

    • When a licensed physician or surgeon determines that the possession or use is necessary for the student’s health and well-being 

    • When the possession or use is required by the student’s individualized education program or Section 504 plan 

    Smartphones, smartwatches, and other mobile communication devices shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person. 

    When used in an unauthorized manner, the device may be confiscated and/or searched according to law and policy, and the student may be subject to discipline. A student may also be subject to discipline for use of a mobile communication device off school grounds if it poses a threat or danger to the safety of students, staff, or district property or substantially disrupts school activities. 

    The District is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of a student’s mobile communication device which is brought onto school grounds or to a school activity. 


    If students need to call a parent during school hours, they may ask to use a school phone. The school phone should not be used to schedule after-school play dates as these types of arrangements should be scheduled outside of the school day.

    Change of Student's Classroom

    We do not move students from a classroom after the school year has begun.

    Change of Student's Routine
    If a child is going to be doing something different from his/her normal routine after school, the teacher or office should have a note from the parent. If the parent has not notified the school or teacher, the child will be expected to follow his/her normal after school routine. Students may not use the phone to make arrangements for social activities.

    Closed Campus

    The Solana Beach Board of Trustees has established a "closed campus" at Solana Highlands in the interest of student safety and supervision. Once students arrive on the school grounds, they must remain on campus until the end of the school day. Students who need to leave school before the end of the day need to be checked out in the school office.

    For the safety of the students at Solana Highlands, we ask that ALL parents sign in at the office when on campus for volunteering purposes.


    Teachers will inform parents on Back-to-School Night how they would like to communicate between home and school.

    For your convenience, we have provided a message line (858) 794-4351 to report absences. The messages are picked up every school day between 9:00 and 11:30 AM. PLEASE CALL EACH DAY YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT.

    Student Messages: Parents are requested to call students only in emergencies. Items and messages brought to school for students during school hours are to be brought to the office. Please do not deliver them to the classroom, as this interferes with the continuity of the learning process.

    In the event that a parent needs to get a message to the student, the parent will need to identify themselves by giving the office information that is on the student's emergency card. Messages will then be delivered to the classroom as soon as possible.
    Students have access to computers in their classroom, the media center, and the computer lab. Before students use the computer, student and parent must sign a contract. The contract states: Improper use of the computer will result in the cancellation of the student's access privileges and revocation of permission to use the computer, as well as disciplinary action by school officials. The contract also gives or takes away the right for the student to log on to the Internet.

    Discipline Policy and Procedures
    The primary mission of the school's discipline policy is to develop a structure of consistency in discipline using a proactive, preventative approach where students develop a respect for others, themselves, and learning. An important element of this policy is how well the students understand the rules and consequences. All students and parents will be asked to review the rules together at the beginning of each year and to sign a form stating that they understand the rules and consequences.
    To support student safety, Solana Highlands will be enforcing a No Dogs on Campus policy unless they are leashed therapy dogs.
    Dress Code

    BP 5132 Dress & Grooming

    The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to wear clothing that is suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students' clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or cause a substantial disruption to the educational program.

    District and school rules pertaining to student attire shall be included in student handbooks, may be posted in school offices and classrooms, and may periodically be reviewed with all students as necessary.

    Students shall not be prohibited from dressing in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression or with their religious or cultural observances.

    In addition, the dress code shall not discriminate against students based on hair texture and protective hairstyles, including, but not limited to, braids, locks, and twists. (Education Code 212.1)

    The responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s). The principal or designee is authorized to enforce this policy and shall inform parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding a student who does not reasonably conform to the dress code. The dress code shall not be enforced in a manner that discriminates against a particular viewpoint or results in a disproportionate application of the dress code based on students’ gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, household income, or body type or size. When practical, students shall not be directed to correct a dress code violation during instructional time or in front of other students.

    School administrators, teachers, and other staff shall be notified of appropriate and equitable enforcement of the dress code.

    Repeated violations or refusal to comply with the District’s dress code may result in disciplinary action.

    (cf. 4119.22 - Dress and Grooming)

    (cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression)


    AR 5132

    In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming which are consistent with law, Governing Board policy and administrative regulations. These school dress codes shall be regularly reviewed.

    (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils)

    The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:

    1. Clothing, jewelry, and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane, or sexually suggestive, or which promotes the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco or other illegal activity.

    2. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Sport or tennis shoes are most appropriate for running and playing during recess and PE. All shoes must have closed toes and a back strap.

    3. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments. See-through clothing and bare abdomens are prohibited.

    (cf. 3260 - Fees and Charges)

    (cf. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement)

    The dress code shall be modified as appropriate to accommodate a student’s religious or cultural observance, health condition, or other circumstance deemed necessary by the principal or designee. In addition, the principal or designee may impose dress requirements to accommodate the needs of special school activities, physical education classes, athletic activities, and other extracurricular activities and cocurricular activities.

    No grade of a student participating in a physical education class shall be adversely affected if the student does not wear standardized physical education apparel because of circumstances beyond the student’s control. (Education Code 49066)

    Students shall be allowed to wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day. (Education Code 35183.5)

    Educational Programs and Services

    It is one of our goals at Solana Highlands to provide students with a variety of experiences that enhance student learning. Following are some of the activities students may participate in:

    Assemblies: During the year, assemblies are scheduled which expose students to various cultural and educational experiences beyond those available in the classroom. In addition, local organizations provide community and environmental awareness programs.

    DNN: Dolphin Network News is a news program written, produced, and performed by the students at Solana Highlands School.  The SBFL pays for this weekly news broadcast.

    Computer Lab: Students and parents must sign an Acceptable Use Policy Agreement before a student may participate in our computer program. The agreement will be sent home with each child at the beginning of the school year. Students attend the lab on a weekly basis. Students use a variety of programs in the lab during the school year.

    Field Trips: Classes take field trips to various educational and motivational places that supplement the classroom curriculum. At times there are entrance fees charged along with bus transportation costs. Parents may be asked to make a donation to help pay these costs.  No student will be denied the opportunity to participate because of nonpayment of fees, if any, or lack of sufficient funds.

    Library/Media Center: We are fortunate to have a library with an excellent collection of books that meet a wide range of interests and investigations. Students in each classroom visit the library once a week and are allowed to check out one book at the kindergarten level and two books for grades 1-6, provided they return previously checked out material. The Media Center teacher, a credentialed teacher, will expose students to different types of genres. Students are responsible for paying the replacement or repair costs for lost or damaged books they have checked out. Report cards will be held until all checked out books are returned or the replacement/repair costs paid. Parents may contact their child's teacher for more specific information regarding library use.

    Music Program: Music is offered to K - 6th grade students on a weekly basis. The music teacher is a credentialed teacher who works closely with teachers to integrate daily curriculum and music.

    Reflections: All students interested in participating in the Reflections Program, sponsored by the National PTA, are invited to share their talents in art, poetry, literature, etc. The PTA newsletter will keep you informed on dates.

    Emergency Procedures

    Emergency procedures are in place to insure the safety of the students during various emergency situations: earthquake, evacuation, bomb threats or intruder on campus.

    During an emergency, children will be dismissed by the Superintendent to go home only if there is time to return students safely to their homes, and parents can be notified. If a student's parents cannot be contacted and/or the parent is unable to pick up their child, the school will maintain responsibility for the student until the parent or authorized individual can pick up the student. At no time will a student be excused except to the care of a parent or other adult designated on the emergency card.

    If evacuation of the school is necessary, students will be transported to a predetermined location. Parents will be advised of the evacuation site by radio announcements and/or information posted at the school site. Evacuation of the school will not be attempted unless there is no alternative.

    In the event of an emergency, school personnel need to be involved in caring for the students, and telephone lines need to be kept open for communications with proper authorities. As a result, we ask that you call the message hot line, (858) 794-4351, which will be updated with specific information and instructions for parents.

    Students participate in various mock emergency drills such as fire, duck-and-cover, lock-down and classroom evacuations. These are conducted periodically throughout the year to insure students and staff are familiar with emergency procedures and can respond safely in an emergency situation.


    Report cards are issued once each trimester to inform parents of their child's performance. Report cards represent only one facet of the communication process and may be used as a starting point for discussion during conferences. Near the end of the first trimester, your child's teacher will send home a notice to make arrangements for a conference. First trimester report cards are distributed to parents during this conference. For the 2024-25 school year, conferences have been scheduled for Nov. 18 - Nov. 22, 2024 and March 10 - 14th, 2025. During conference weeks, students will be dismissed at 12:02p each day.

    Children must have proof of immunization against polio, measles, rubella, mumps, diphtheria, and tetanus. This requirement may be waived for religious reasons only. Children who do not have proof of immunization (month, day, year) will not be registered in school. We make no exceptions. The proper health forms are available in the school office or at your doctor's office. If your child becomes ill or injured during the school day, parents will first be notified. If we are unable to reach the parent, we will call the people listed on the emergency card. Be sure to keep up-to-date information on your child's emergency card, which is on file in the school office.

    School personnel may not administer medication without a prescription from the doctor. This prescription must be issued to the student. The medication must be in the proper bottle displaying the prescription information. This includes aspirin, decongestants, cough drops, or any over-the-counter medication. Please call the Health Clerk for more information.

    Homework Policy

    Purpose: The purpose of assigning homework at Solana Highlands is to strengthen academic skills, reinforce concepts taught by teachers, develop student responsibility and accountability, and promote parent awareness.

    Definition: Homework may be an independent activity, or may require parental help, to be accomplished outside of the school day and without benefit of teacher assistance, to reinforce previously learned ideas.

    Unfinished class work or work missed due to absences, although accomplished outside of the school day, is not included in the school's definition of homework.

    Homework will generally fall into one or more of these different categories and may include, but is not limited to, the following examples:

    •  Practice - This includes activities to reinforce skills such as studying spelling words and practicing math facts.
    •  Preparation - These are assignments designed to provide background information and focus on future class activities. Studying for tests and reading  supplementary materials are examples of such homework assignments.
    •  Extension/Creative - Activities such as book reports, science projects, and research for social studies reports are examples of such homework.
    •  Amount of Homework: The amount of homework assigned shall be related to the maturity and ability level of the students in a given class.

    The following chart suggests these guides as homework schedules for students. These schedules can be used as guidelines for parents and teachers in monitoring student time devoted to homework.

    Kinder - 2nd grade - 10 - 30 minutes, up to 4 days per week.
    3rd - 6th grade - 30 - 60 minutes, up to 4 days per week.

    Be advised that students may spend more than one hour daily completing school work, as time at home may be spent doing assigned homework and completing unfinished classroom assignments.

    Student's Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the student to note and understand the homework assignment, complete it, and return it to school on the required day. Teachers may use homework assignments to help determine a student's grade.

    Parent's Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the parent to set a specific time and place for doing homework and to monitor the student's homework. If at any time a parent has a concern about the school's homework policy, they are to contact their child's teacher.

    Teacher's Responsibility: Teachers will be responsible for assigning homework to students and for providing the necessary explanation and direction required to assure that the students can accomplish the work with reasonable success. The teacher will also monitor, assess, and acknowledge homework results for parents and students.

    Specific classroom homework practice will be established by each teacher as well as this school policy and may differ from room to room depending upon the needs and abilities of the students. Teachers will share their homework policy with parents at Back-to-School Night.
    Kindergarten Registration

    Each year, beginning in February, registration begins for all new kindergarten students entering the following school year. Only those children who will be five by September 1st may be enrolled. Proof of residency must be shown to receive a registration packet. Completed registration packets can be brought into the office during regular office hours.


    Lost & Found
    Articles found are placed in a lost and found rolling cart in the front office. We make every effort to return lost items if names are on them. The lost and found cart is cleaned out once every three months with all items given to a charitable organization. Please insure that your child's name is on coats, lunch boxes, sweatshirts, and other personal items that may be misplaced.
    Lunch Program

    In the Solana Beach School District we offer free morning snack and free lunch for all students at no cost.

    School Lunch Menus
    Weekly menus are posted on the CNS website, accessible through the SBSD website as well the
    Quick Links/Lunch Menu tabs on the website. The watermelon icon has been removed.
    Please note: menus will be posted weekly, not a month at a time, as supply chain issues continue
    to affect menu planning. Please click here to view.

    Physical Education

    California Education Code 51210(g) requires that students in grades 1 through 6 receive not less than 200 minutes of physical education every 10 school days, excluding lunch and recess. Teachers in Solana Beach School District post schedules for P.E. in their classrooms.

    Pick Up & Drop Off

    If you are using the drop-off/pick-up zone, we ask that you:

    • Enter the parking lot by turning RIGHT (when headed West on Long Run Dr).  Please refrain from turning LEFT on Long Run Dr. into the parking lot.
    I ask your cooperation with this because it really inhibits traffic flow heading east because cars cannot get by when other cars are turning left.  This causes increased congestion, and is not courteous to the parents who have waited for long periods of time to turn right.  After-school Program Vehicles and Special Needs Bussing will continue to be able to turn left into the parking lot. 
    • The curb close next to the Kindergarten playground is reserved for Bus Parking/After-school Program Vehicles only, e.g. Boys and Girls Club Van, Chinese School, Special Needs bussing, and After-school Program Vehicles. 
    Be sure all children are ready to exit the vehicle.  Backpacks and lunches should be easily accessible (i.e. NOT in the trunk). Hugs and kisses should be done PRIOR to school arrival, then a quick "goodbye".  Please, no use of cell phones.  Volunteers and staff are on duty from 8:10 to 8:30 am to assist.
    To familiarize the students with the departure system, their classroom teacher will discuss and review the procedure.  Thank you for getting your child to school on time and for driving safely.  Our instructional day begins at 8:25 AM and ends at 2:45 PM for all grades, K-6.
    At the end of the school day, volunteers and staff will supervise the front parking lot.  Students will meet on the sidewalk immediately in front of the school and staff will call out names of parents arriving.  Students will get in the cars from the front of the line.  We will cone off the back parking lot area to eliminate parking, and drivers must remain in the vehicle while lining up and waiting for children. 
    • Follow the instructions of the Safety Director or Staff Member. Remember, these methods are for the safety of your child and the benefit of everyone.
    • Drop-off and Pick-up zones are for this purpose only. These areas will open at 8:10 am and 2:45 pm. If you need to enter the building or grounds for any reason, you MUST park your car. You CANNOT leave it for any reason in these zones.
    • If for any reason your child is not present for pick-up, proceed to vacate the pick-up zone. No waiting will be allowed in these zones. You MUST vacate and re-enter the zone when your child is ready.
    • Teachers will bring Kindergarteners to the kindergarten playground.
    • Students must use the crosswalks to cross streets. 
    • We recommend you discuss the dismissal/pickup plan with your child(ren).
    • If you have more than one child to pick-up, we recommend you use the zone of the youngest student.
    • It will be necessary that each and every parent accept their responsibility for the safety of ALL our students. 
    Thank you VERY much for your cooperation!

    School Hours

    The school campus is open to students from 8:10 am to 3:00 pm. Students are not to arrive prior to 8:10 am, as there is no supervision provided on the playgrounds. Please be on time to pick up students. Students not picked up by 3:00 pm are brought to the office to call home. Parents will need to come into the office to pick up students after 3:00 pm.

    The school office is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm on all days when students are in attendance.

    School Site Council

    The Solana Highlands Site Council is a group of parents and certificated staff members. This group's purpose is to review, revise, and monitor the implementation of the School Site Strategic Plan. The School Site Strategic Plan is a document that supports district and state curriculum requirements and is used to guide the expenditures of school improvement funds.

    The Council is made up of five elected parents, five teachers/aides and a school administrator. Each year, two or three positions become open for election. A nomination form is distributed in the weekly electronic communication. Terms of office are for two years.

    The School Site Council (SSC) meets approximately four times throughout the year at 3:00 pm in the Media Center Bubble. Dates are agreed upon at the beginning of the school year.  Community members are invited to attend all SSC meetings and will be provided an opportunity to speak at the beginning of each meeting.

    Special Programs

    If the Student Success Team and parents determine that a student is performing significantly below grade level due to a possible handicapping condition, a referral to special education will be made. Once this referral has been made and parent approval is granted, the school special education staff assesses the student's current level of performance and the level at which the student is capable of performing. In order to qualify for special education services, there must be a large discrepancy between these two areas and an identified learning disability. If this discrepancy exists, an IEP (individual education plan) meeting will be conducted with the parents to share results and set up specific learning goals for the student.

    Resource Specialist: Once a student qualifies for special education, the resource program can provide assistance to the students in special education to help meet goals and objectives. Students are given strategies they can utilize in collaboration with the regular education teacher to compensate for their learning disability.

    Speech & Language Program: The speech & language program at Solana Highlands serves students from three years of age through sixth grade. A pre-school program is available through the Solana Beach School District to serve children from three years of age who demonstrate speech or language delays or who are at high risk for developing speech or language delays.

    ELD (English Language Development): Students who have been identified as English Language Development (ELD) will receive support through a specially designed language acquisition program. This is a pullout program in which identified students work with a credentialed teacher on a variety of language acquisition skills. The language survey, included in students' registration packet, is used to identify those students who may qualify.

    Special Resources
    It is the desire of the Solana Highlands staff to insure that all students, regardless of their unique needs and abilities, are able to achieve and learn the school curriculum. In order to do this, we provide a variety of special resources for students which help those with difficulties improve and challenge those with exceptional abilities. In order to qualify for these services, students must be referred through the Student Success Team.
    Student Success Team
    The teacher and/or parent may refer a student to the Student Success Team. This team of teachers, special education staff and parents meet to discuss the strengths and concerns of the student and the team will make several recommendations to the teacher and parents in regards to classroom/home modifications and interventions.
     Tobacco Free School Site
    Solana Highlands School and the Solana Beach School District is a tobacco-free site. Use of all tobacco products shall be prohibited within any district building, facility, or vehicle. In addition, the use of all tobacco products is prohibited on school grounds or premises. This prohibition shall also apply to all individuals attending or representing the school district at school-sponsored activities held off district property.