• Toddler Program

    The Toddler Program is designed to supplement the loving and nurturing of the family. Teachers encourage positive social interactions through play. The children participate in art, music, indoor and outdoor play, and a variety of sensory experiences. The supportive atmosphere allows toddlers to grow and develop independence in a safe and secure environment. CDC provides toddlers mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. In the 2021-22 School Year, Parents may choose M-F schedules from 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Toddlers: Diapers and Toilet Training    

    CDC provides the diapers for children enrolled in the Toddler Program. We record each diaper change on your child’s “Daily Card”. The card is also used to record what your child ate for lunch and the length of his/her nap. You will be given your child’s daily card when you pick up your child each day. Toddlers may move to the preschool program once they have reached three years in age, are completely toilet-trained and are consistent with using the bathroom. Parents and staff must work closely to accomplish this important goal. (See above for CDC’s definition of being toilet-trained.) To ease the transition into the preschool program, toddler staff will let you know when they will begin taking your child to visit the new classroom for short periods of time during morning hours. We try to move at least two children at the same time so that they are making the transition with a friend. During the time your child is visiting the new classroom, we ask parents to set up a meeting with the teacher, to visit the preschool and talk about the preschool curriculum. Most children are able to complete the move within a week or two. However, if necessary, we will extend the visiting time. Due to Licensing Guidelines, children who have not completed toilet training by three years and 3 months in age may be asked to temporarily leave the program until toilet training has been achieved. For additional information on toilet training, please ask your child’s teachers for one of our toilet-training pamphlets. It is important for parents to be aware that toddler children who complete toilet training at a time when there is no additional space in the preschool classroom, will be moved as soon as space becomes available.