Does your child like to dance, play with Legos, surf, etc.? If so, we hope they will participate in our lunchtime Club Program. Skyline’s Club Program is a way for all students to feel successful during the lunchtime hours through various opportunities for connections and activities.Once a year students are given the chance to sign up for various clubs, which meet two to four times a month. Each club is sponsored by a classroom teacher who instructs in a field of his/her choice. Some examples of Skyline Clubs are the Glee Club, Lanyard Club, Animal Advocates Club, Crochet Club, Skytunes Radio Show Club, Lego Club, Surf Club, Garden Club, and Hip Hop Club. Because of these clubs, Skyline students have had great success developing connections with multi-age peers having their same interests. Students are also able to make a connection with another teacher on campus revolving around a common activity.