• Dec. 8, 2019


    Dear Solana Vista Families,

    SV Community Service Project has begun!  SV students voted to support the San Diego Food Bank this December.  We are collecting non-perishable items through Dec. 13.  The most needed items are: canned chicken or tuna, dry and canned beans, cereal, rice, nuts & seeds, peanut butter, canned soup, canned and dried fruit, canned vegetables, powdered milk, and infant formula.  Students can bring their donations to their classroom.  Thank you for helping your child learn the importance of giving back to the community!

    PTA update:

    • Please join us for our next PTA meeting on December 12 at Solana Vista (9:00).
    • Come out and support the Solana Beach PTA by dining at Fish District on December 15th. Fish District will be donating 15% of the proceeds from each guest’s bill to our PTA. 
    • Farmers Insurance Open (January 23- 26, 2020) tickets now available! $35 ANY day tickets! (Normally sold for $65! A $30 savings!) Tickets can be purchased at https://www.solanabeachpta.org/?product=farmers-insurance-open-tickets
    • Spirit wear is available for purchase online! Purchase your SV spirit wear before sizes run out! Go to https://www.solanabeachpta.org/?post_type=product  to order.

    Health Office Wish List:  We are in need of used clothing items in our Health office.  (Girls pants - sizes S, M, and L and boys underwear - sizes S and M.) Donations can be brought to the front office.  Thank you for your consideration.

    Yearbooks Pre-Order Link is Ready!  You may pre-order a yearbook for your child by going to:  https://svyearbook.picaboo.com.  This year’s theme is “Making a Difference…One Hello at a Time”.

    SBSD Office Closures: District and school offices will be closed Winter Break (Dec. 23, 2019 – Jan 3, 2020).

    A Message from SBSD Maintenance and Operations: We will be reseeding the fields during the winter break.

    Mark Your Calendars:

    Dec. 4-13:  SV Community Service Project—Food Drive

    Dec. 12:  PTA Meeting @ SV (9:00)

    Dec. 12:  School Site Council Meeting @ 3:05 (open to all)

    Dec. 15:  Fish District Restaurant Night (15% of proceeds to PTA)

    Dec. 20:  School Assembly at 8:35

    Dec. 21 – Jan. 5:  Winter Break

    A little something to think about:

    Looking for a simple (free) gift to give your child during the holidays...try these words…I’m proud of you.

    I believe in you.

    I want the best for you.

    I will stand with you.

    I love you.

    Here is a wonderful (short) article titled 6 Simple Sentences Your Child Needs to Hear You Say. It’s a good reminder of how impactful our words can be.

    Thank you,

    Katie Zimmer

    Principal, Solana Vista School