• School-Wide Behavior Expectations


    At Solana Ranch Elementary, we strive to maintain a positive environment where students and staff enjoy school and treat each other with mutual respect. All teachers follow the school-wide behavior plan in their classrooms because we believe: *All students have the right to learn. *All teachers have the right to teach. We believe that all students have the potential for making good choices and behaving in a positive manner. To this end we have developed the following behavior expectations and discipline plan. 

    GENERAL SCHOOL RULES - P.R.I.D.E. - Positive Attitude, Respect for All, Integrity, Do the Right Thing, Effort Towards Learning:  Students are explicitly taught what Hawk Pride looks like in the classroom, around campus, at lunch, at recess, in the restroom and at assemblies.  

    Students can know if they are showing HAWK P.R.I.D.E  by applying the five-way test:  

    1. Is what I’m saying and doing done with a Positive attitude
    2. Is what I’m saying and doing showing Respect for all
    3. Is what I’m saying and doing showing Integrity
    4. Is what I’m saying and doing an example of Doing the right thing
    5. Is what I’m saying or doing showing Effort towards learning?


    1. Students can arrive at 8:15 AM in the morning when supervision begins. 
    2. Upon arrival, students should go to the back playground and not loiter inside the school unless accompanied by a parent or staff member. 
    3. Students must exit the building after school by going outside and not walking through the school hallways. 
    4. For Specific Drop-Off/Pick-up procedures, please see Traffic Circulation Plan. 

    ASSEMBLY RULES - P.R.I.D.E.  - Positive Attitude, Respect for All, Integrity, Do the Right Thing, Efforts Towards Learning:

    P - Participate appropriately, Use good manners

    R - Applaud when appropriate and always be courteous (applause is the only appropriate response.  It is inappropriate to "boo," whistle, blurt out, etc. Remain Quiet during the performance.

    I - Seek first to understand and then to be understood.  Accept, appreciate, and respect everyone.  Sit in assigned area with your class.

    D - Enter and exit quietly and calmly.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Stay seated until dismiss

    E - Stay focused on the presentation.  Be an active listener and make eye contact with performers.


     OUTSIDE RULES  - P.R.I.D.E.- Positive Attitude, Respect for All, Integrity, Do the Right Thing, Efforts Towards Learning:

    Positive Attitude - Be cooperative, kind, and inclusive to everyone.  Report any danger or misbehavior to an adult. See win-win        when playing with others. 

    Respect for All - Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Use positive words and body language.  Return equipment.

    Integrity - Show good sportsmanship.  Take responsibility for your actions.  Stop, think, and make good choices. 

    Do the Right Thing - Use the Walk, Talk, or Rock-it Strategy to solve disagreements.  Respect property.  Seek an adult if you have a problem.

    Efforts Towards Learning - Follow directions the first time they are given.  Obey all playground and safety rules.  Sharpen the saw.  

    1. Supervision begins at 8:15 AM. Please do not arrive before this time. 
    2. Follow adult directions the first time. 
    3. Remain on the playground unless you have a written pass from a teacher. 
    4. When the bell rings - ALL play STOPS. Walk quietly to your line. 
    5. Recess is a privilege which is earned through making appropriate choices. 
    6. No physical contact of any kind. This includes pushing, kicking, hitting, biting, or play fighting. Absolutely NO FIGHTING - you will be sent to the principal’s office and your parents will be called. At Solana Ranch we know how to solve our disagreements in a positive, peaceful, and respectful manner. 
    7. Snack and lunch are to be taken and eaten at the lunch tables only - not the playground. 
    8. Always clean up after yourself.  Keep our School looking clean. 
    9. No gum
    10. No playing or loitering in the restrooms. 
    11. Play in designated areas only.  
    12. Do not bring equipment from home. 
    13. Be a good sport. Everyone is welcome when playing games - No closed games.
    14. Always use appropriate language. Name-calling, put-downs, threats and or slurs of any kind are not tolerated and are not a part of the Solana Ranch culture. 
    15. Play games that are safe (at adult’s discretion):
    • Flag or touch football only. 
    • Physical contact sports are not to be played. 
    • Tag will be played on the grass. 

    LUNCH RULES - P.R.I.D.E.  - Positive Attitude, Respect for All, Integrity, Do the Right Thing,Efforts Towards Learning:

    Positive Attitude - Use good manners, synergize.

    Respect for All - Use positive words and body language, Use appropriate voice level, Stay seated while eating, Do not "cut" others or save place in line.

    Integrity - Stop, think and make good choices.  Clean up after yourself, Treat the lunch area as if it was your home.

    Do the Right Thing - Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself, stay in your seat until dismissed, raise your hand if you need anything, including to use the restroom, if you see trash, please pick it up, even if it is not yours, do not share food.

    Efforts Towards Learning - Follow directions from school adults the first time, exit to your classrooms quietly. 

    1. Play first before eating (except kindergarten). Wait for the bell or aides to blow whistles prior to lining up. 
    2. Students are not allowed inside the school building unless accompanied by a staff member. 
    3. Wash hands and sit at assigned table. 
    4. Do not share food, lunch cards, or purchase food for other students.
    5. Talk quietly while eating. Remember to be polite and use your manners. 
    6. Raise your hand to use the restroom or get a drink. 
    7. Table areas must be completely cleaned prior to being dismissed to your teacher. 


    1. Pull-up/Monkey Bars - no sitting, standing, or flips off of bars. One direction on the bars; no chasing, tag jumping, or pushing others. 
    2. Slide - Slide down feet first only; no running or crawling up the slide or across the slide. One person at a time. 
    3. No throwing sand, wood chips or rocks. 


    1. Pushing and pulling on bodies.
    2. Game that involve tackling.
    3. Handball against the school. 
    4. Hard baseballs or golf balls
    5. Any game that endangers another student (at adult’s discretion).  
    6. Any toys from home - e.g. cars, dolls, hand-held video games or electronics of any kind, including music devices, cards (baseball/trading), sticker albums, skateboards, or weapons of any kind, toy or real, are ever permitted. Do not bring anything that is unsafe or disrupts the learning process.


    Cell Phones may be brought to school, but must be turned off and placed in student’s back-pack until the conclusion of the school day. All calls need to be made through the office.  


    1. Helmets must be worn to and from school. 
    2. Bicycles, Skateboards, and Scooters must be walked on school premises. Sidewalks must be used while in the parking lot areas. Electric Scooters (and anything not student powered) are not to be ridden to school for safety reasons.
    3. Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be parked in the bike, scooter, and skateboard area.  It is recommended that students lock up their transportation, however, the school will be locked during the school day.
    4. One person only on a bike. 
    5. If under grade three, student must be accompanied by an adult for safety.
    6. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters may not be used on campus.